First of all, I would like to say that the interface is nice, amazing, and user friendly!!
Thanks Dani and those who work hard on this !!!

But one thing I would like to comment is about the vote and comment. It seems like only users with high reputation allow to use this feature because I get this message when I click the vote up button

You do not have the permissions required to access this page.
Would you like to go back?

Since this feature is not available to all users, why not just make it visible for those users only ?

Dani commented: Testing testing +0

You should definitely have the ability to vote and comment. Only new members with fewer than 5 posts or so are not allowed to. Let me see if I can figure out what's going on here because I'm not able to reproduce this behavior myself.

To clarify ... you click the thumbs up link in the bottom left corner of a post and a whole new page loads??

To clarify ... you click the thumbs up link in the bottom left corner of a post and a whole new page loads??

No. There are no problem in the thumbs up and down link. The error is the comment in the bottom right corner.

OK, I'm able to reproduce this! Hold on while I investigate ...

After I reply a topic, the Reply to this Topic not going down.

And thank you for your comments! This has been the result of lots of late nights!

Would the expected behavior be for that to happen? I never thought of doing that LOL.

It suppose to go down after we post a reply, no ?

No, it's just supposed to hang out at the bottom of the page (and not cover up any posts).

commented: But it is covering up the post +0

But it is covering up the post....

Are you using an older web browser by any chance?

Can you take a screenshot and show me what it looks like? (Note you can click on the purple bar to minimize it).

I thought it will automatic minimize once we posted a reply instead of manual to minimize it.

No, I understand what you're saying.

I just want to make sure that, even when expanded, it's possible to scroll down to the bottom of the page and see the last post.

Yes, it can :)

OK, then what you're experiencing is the intended design.

I'll wait for more feedback to see if it should be closed automatically.

commented: Noted :) +0
commented: Testing the comment methods. +0

It collapses now :)

No, it still there after user reply.

You need to clear your browser cache.

Worked! Thanks

You're welcome. Thanks for the suggestion!

<dani> // You need to clear your browser cache.

You could use a js and a css minifier with a version after them (e.g. the timestamp of when the minified happened e.j. app.js?156855452) that way when you change things none should clear their browser cache (in real word production projects that is not an option to ask from visitors)

(also I really tried to quote you but it didn't worked)

also I really tried to quote you but it didn't worked

  • Highlight text you want to quote
  • Hit the " button in the reply editor
  • Paste text

Seems to work for me, what method were you trying?

commented: Yes with copy paste works , but doesn't say who you are quoting , wouldn't a quote and reply (or just reply) button at the bottom would be great ? +0

Yes with copy paste works , but doesn't say who you are quoting , wouldn't a quote and reply (or just reply) button at the bottom of each reply would be great ? It would be more advanced to have a js listener for when someone is writing a reply and highlights a phrase from a different reply to show a button "quote" next to it , but would make things easier.

You could use a js and a css minifier with a version after them (e.g. the timestamp of when the minified happened e.j. app.js?156855452) that way when you change things none should clear their browser cache (in real word production projects that is not an option to ask from visitors)

Yes, we already do that, to a degree. We roll our own JS and CSS minifier that then caches the minified version of the file server-side. We use a query string with a version number, but that part is manual, and I only update it about once per day, despite making about 500 code changes daily this first week of launch. Once things settle down a bit, it will be a non-issue. That being said, I can look into something that stores the version and automatically tacks on the query string, but I don't think there's a super easy way to do that with my current setup.

All right. Now that I have used it for a bit and discovered/learned the new paridigm, all I have to say is sweet.

Excellent job, Dani.

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