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I have created a network scanner, that looks for a specific port on a range of IP's. I would like to thread the application but I am getting and error message
ERROR: for worker in range(network.hosts): TypeError: 'method' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
Now I understand why the error is there it is because the IP Address is not an INT. However, what I would prefer to do is split the subnet into equal parts and run X number of IP's on a per thread bases.
Thread 1 192.168.1 - 30 Thread 2 192.168.31 - 60 Thread 3 192.168.61 - 90 Thread 4 192.168.91 - 120 Thread 5 192.168.121 - 150 Thread 6 192.168.151 - 180 Thread 7 192.168.181 - 210 Thread 8 192.168.211 - 240 Thread 9 192.168.241 - 254
Something along these lines. I"m not quite sure how to do this. I am posting the main function, the tcp ping and the threading function.
I suspect I need to get a list of IP's and then somehow tell the thread to execute on X number of IP's at a time but not really sure how to do that.
Thanks for the help in advance
# Defines Global Variables
BUFFER = 4096 # 4k The size of the TCP Buffer
MESSAGE = 'TA:getattrlong'.encode('utf-8')
TCP_PORT = 2359 # Sets Port to 2359 (iPerf Remote)
MIN_SCAN_TIMEOUT = .010 # Sets Min socket timeout to 10ms 'milliseconds'
MAX_SCAN_TIMEOUT = .160 # Sets Max socket timeout to 100ms 'milliseconds'
IPERF_QUERY_TIMEOUT = 5 # Sets socket timeout to 5s 'seconds'
# File I/O Vars
LOG_FILE = 'iperfdiscovery.log' # Testing log, revert to above on actual AirCheck G2
IPERF_ACCESSORY_FILE = 'iperfaccessory' # iPerf Accessory output file
OPTION_FILE = '/mnt/mmc3/iperfaccessory.conf' # iPerf Accessory option file "Allows increasing timeout"
def tcp_port_ping(network):
:param network:
tmp_iperf_list = [] # Temp iPerf List (Responders)
total_ip_count = 0 # Total IP's in network
active_ip_count = 0 # Total IP's Active, with port 2359 "OPEN"
socket.setdefaulttimeout(MIN_SCAN_TIMEOUT) # Setting Socket Time Out
tcp_ping_start_time = datetime.now() # Setting beginning time of scan
# Scans for Active IP's with port 2359 Open
for host in network.hosts(): # Determines Hosts for network
total_ip_count += 1 # Total number of host counts
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as tcp_sock:
result = tcp_sock.connect_ex((str(host), TCP_PORT)) # Check if IP is Valid and Port is Open
if result == 0:
active_ip_count += 1 # Increment valid IP counter
tmp_iperf_list.append(host) # Appends iPerf attributes to iPerf Remote list
logging.debug("DEBUG: IP(s) to be scanned %s", host) # Debug IP Address of remote(s)
except OSError as err_msg:
logging.debug('Socket Error %s', err_msg)
tcp_ping_end_time = datetime.now()
tcp_ping_total_time = tcp_ping_end_time - tcp_ping_start_time
def main():
iPerf Accessory Discovery
# Logging (File Location, Log level, date, message)
logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILE, filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')
# Removes iPerf Accessory File if its exists File Output Logs errors
# NOTE: File cannot be found is normal in the log expected behavior
except OSError as err_msg:
logging.debug('DEBUG: OS Error %s', err_msg)
# Arg Parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('network', help='The IP/Network you wish to scan', type=str)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', nargs='?', const=1, type=float, help='Optional socket timeout')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.9')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--options', action='store_true',
help='Uses the advanced configuration options if present')
parser.add_argument('-th', '--threading', action='store_true',
help='Enables the port scanner to run in threaded mode')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.options:
if args.timeout:
MIN_SCAN_TIMEOUT = args.timeout
if args.threading:
network = args.network # Gets network from args parse mandatory argument
# Calling Port Scanner
network = (ipaddress.ip_network(network, strict=False))
for x in range(30):
t.daemon = True
for worker in range(network.hosts):
except KeyboardInterrupt as err_msg:
except OSError as err_msg:
def threader():
worker = q.get()
q = Queue
if __name__ == "__main__":