84 Topics

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Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi, in my project I need to allow the user (admin user) to have the ability to run custom queries on the database. Ive done this pretty simply whwer the user enters their query and the reults are set to a datagridview. It would also be great however to allow …

Member Avatar for sandeepparekh9
Member Avatar for tangosixfour

I'm new to C# and am having a problem with databases, specifically updating a table with dataset contents. No exceptions are being thrown, the update method tells me one row is affected but there is nothing in the table! Code below, your help is appreciated. [code=c#] RSSDataSet.NewsItemRow newRow = rSSDataSet.NewsItem.NewNewsItemRow(); …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi, I have a windows form that adds new entries to a dataset via a datagrid using the updateAll method. Im passing in an id from another form and id like to specify this in the sata thats being written to the dataset. So by default the id would already …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Turaiel

Originally I was using Office Interop to import data, but that was a headache and a half for both me and my computer. Right now I'm attempting to load it with ACE, but my data grid isn't being populated. Once that's up and running I need to know how to …

Member Avatar for Turaiel
Member Avatar for tet3828

I'm having difficulty understanding DataSets. I created a DataSet within a private void caled Form1_Load [code] private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet fooBar = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(fooBar, "value_" + x); DataRow dRow = fooBar.Tables["ShiftLat_" + x].Rows[0]; }[/code] How can I call this data from another private void within …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for mhs377

I want to import data from a xml file into a dataset this is my xml file [iCODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <Persons> <Person Personid="10"> <firstname>Hi</firstname> <lastname>bye</lastname> <Birthday>1360 </Birthday> <Phones> <Fax>04</Fax> <Other>05</Other> <Home>01</Home> </Phones> <Emails> <Email>Email@site.com</Email> </Emails> <Webs> <Web>web.com</Web> </Webs> </Person> </Persons> [/iCODE] when I use this code [CODE]dataset1.readxml(FilePath); [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for b1izzard

Hi all, I got this Error Message while I try to preview the records in Dataset Designer: "The connection string could not be found or Data provider associated with the connection string could not be loaded" Here is my dataset.xsd code [CODE] <Connections> <Connection AppSettingsObjectName="MySettings" AppSettingsPropertyName="loginConnectionString1" IsAppSettingsProperty="true" Modifier="Assembly" Name="loginConnectionString1 (MySettings)" …

Member Avatar for MaKhalid
Member Avatar for OldManStarting

Hi; I have a question regarding my curent use of datasets and classes. I currently have a class with public properties of connectionstring sqlcommand Im setting the 2 properties from my main form and then calling a public sub within the class, this sub reads the connectionstring, connects to my …

Member Avatar for Andy_Parr

Hi, I have a database linked to my VB.NET project using the data source wizard. I've created a log in form using a table in access that has the details required to log in. The code is: [CODE]Imports System.Data Public Class Form1 Dim conn As OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim strSQL As String …

Member Avatar for NoOneSpecial
Member Avatar for kurtzky

Hi all. This is the scenario that i have right now. i have a stored procedure created in MS SQL 2000 and is linked to my C# program. The stored procedure contains four select statements (which means it will return 4 tables). In my program, I have four datagrids and …

Member Avatar for kurtzky
Member Avatar for sandeepani

hi. I am working on a project which keeps its data access, business logic and UI in separate projects of a solution. Is there a way to access a strongly typed dataset in one project of a solution from another project of the same solution? I need these to fill …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi, I have an issue involving retrieving a set of child rows in a dataset. I have populated a dataset with three tables Categories, Projects and Tasks. In the dataset relations I have set up a relationship between Categories and Projects and between Projects and Tasks. [CODE] Private Sub Defaults_Load(ByVal …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for joseph2010
Member Avatar for joseph2010
Member Avatar for digitalsindhx

Friends I m workin on vb.net ado.net oledb, I have also added datagrid Control to my form for retriving database from .Mdb file i used following code [code] 'decleared Name Space Imports System.Data.OleDb 'Dicleared Variabls in Class Form1 Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da …

Member Avatar for digitalsindhx
Member Avatar for shrighead

[code] Dim da2 As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim cols As Integer = Attendance_QueryDataGridView.ColumnCount Dim rows As Integer = Attendance_QueryDataGridView.Rows.Count Dim a(cols) As String Dim dt As New DataTable("Attendance") da2 = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con) da2.Fill(ProjectDataSet, "Attendance") Dim NewRow As DataRow NewRow = ProjectDataSet.Tables("Attendance").NewRow For z = 0 To cols - 1 a(z) = …

Member Avatar for shrighead
Member Avatar for princekool

Hi guys; I have a table of books in my DB and each page has a different serial no following each other eg. Page 9 has serial 005065 and 10 has 005066. In my table it only gives me a range of serials as per the book, this is how …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for ukshir

I have a form developed using the Dataform wizard (VS 2003). The Form shows Master-Detail data. The details are showen in a Datagrid. The form automatically loads the data in the Form_load event. Now I want to store the data from the datagrid to a datatable. I am using following …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sidlampard

hi i m new c# and this is my very 1st project ,here i want to add or view data and this is the code i have used.everything works fine but i cant navigate through records properly,i m working with 2 tables i.e BankMaster and BranchMaster [ICODE] private void branchmaster_Load(object …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for happygeek

In an [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/jan/24/computer-security-crime-anonymous-datasets"]interview[/URL] with The Observer newspaper, Dr Ian Brown from the Oxford Internet Institute who is writing a report on anonymous datasets for the European Commission warns that "criminals could identify individuals through mobile phone data and use the information to track people's movements and find out when they …

Member Avatar for DeAnonym
Member Avatar for hypnos4

Hello, I've got a problem with my project... in short I've got a mysql db bond through a DataSet and BindingSource - if I'm editing like a user the gridview then all changes are commited to the db no problem... But I need the user to responsibly change foreign keys …

Member Avatar for kdcorp87
Member Avatar for sdmcnitt

Hope I chose the correct forum. I have a dataset object with one table that comes to me from a common custom component's GetDS method. I need to pass XML to another process (chunked as byte array). I have it all working but the XML is missing some attributes that …

Member Avatar for jchaturv

All, I have a customized DataGridView where I have implemented extra functionality and bounded datasource in the same custom DataGridView (Using C# and .NET). Now, I could able to use it properly by placing it on a panel control. I have added label as button on panel control to display …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for eddy_boy

Hi, Any advice please. I have various forms (e.g. frmCustomers, frmProducts), each having bindingSources and tableAdapters. The forms have the required Fill methods triggered from their constructors. It appears that the DataTable filled only exists in the App for as long as the form does. What I want is a …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Talking about a shoebox type of database here. Would like to make a nice interface in C# for it. Typically something around 50 records or so. (e.g. my wine cellar;) ) To use a genuine SQL DB seems to me like a bit of an overkill. Could use a flat …

Member Avatar for ddanbe

The End.