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10 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Mamatha_1

Responses, ( 2-cents), to earlier responses. **rproffitt - **coding a one liner is a way to make someting repeatable with less effort. Some-Programmer had to "code" when you drag & drop this icon over this folder it means move/copy it here. That's technically a single "MOVE" command but it's just …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jim_21

Just don't exit out of your "For...Next" loop until you've varified the print against all of your stored rows. Also I would suggest you not double up on the "If this..." "If NOT this...". Use the "If this... Then this... **Else** this... End If" Adjust your Code Ln: 31 to …

Member Avatar for demon916
Member Avatar for Tierra

You should always include what you already have done on your own. Otherwise many will fell you're trying to get us to do your homework. First What programming language are you writing this in...? How much do you have already...? (Include Code Samples if possible.) What in particular are you …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Lee a

How much pic assembly do you currently know...? How intellegent do you wish this traffic light to be? Are we talk about a single (Red,Ylw,Grn) traffic light? Or more like an intersection with alternating sets of traffic lights? You really should always give as much information about how far you …

Member Avatar for mullerfourie
Member Avatar for LeNenne

That should work for you...? Although how would you catch the exact minute of the file name. Format(Now,"yymmdd_hhnn") This would give you the minute of it's execution... If you used; "PhoneTel.mdb" & Format(Now, "yymmdd_hhnn") & ".mdb" somewhere else in your code to create this file, you should be saving it …

Member Avatar for LeNenne
Member Avatar for GeoEqual

If you absolutely can not have the totals at the top,(which is where I place all my totals in excel), then you may have to do a 'For' 'Next' loop in order to find the last entry. (see Example 1) Example1: Dim rngCell As Range ' Create a Cell range …

Member Avatar for demon916
Member Avatar for maytham

Not sure what your asking help on, but I believe, based on your code structure, that this may need to be posted in the VB.Net forum. "Moderator...?"

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for vivek.vivek

Are you just wanting to display the currency symbol depending on the currency chosen from your dropdown in Cell 'B5'? Could you show the layout, as it would be in Excel, the way you want it displayed?

Member Avatar for vivek.vivek
Member Avatar for squigworm

If you still need it you can try this... Sub copy_rows_to_sheets() ' You must Dimensionalize each variable individually. Dim firstrow As Byte, lastrow As Long, r As Long, torow As Long Dim fromsheet As Worksheet, tosheet As Worksheet firstrow = 1 Set fromsheet = ActiveSheet lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp).Row For …

Member Avatar for demon916
Member Avatar for mark.scutt.7

I have another way without using an array. Just randomly switch each players seat with another. Going through each seat, (1-10), switch it with another seat until all seats have been switched at least once. Private Sub btnAssignSeats_Click() Dim p As Byte ' Player's current seat number. (Player being assigned) …

Member Avatar for AndreRet

The End.