84 Topics

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Member Avatar for sundog1

Hi Guys, I have a form with a DGV and some text boxes.. I am trying to get the program to update the rows shown on the DGV by using the values in the text boxes. Below is my code so far: private void btnOrderEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for sundog1

Hi Guys, **<-- Newbie Here!** I seem to have an issue with an INSERT INTO statement when trying to add some textbox data into a DataSet and then update the backend table called 'cashOrders' in a Access Databse. The Following code is being run from the 'Save Button' private void …

Member Avatar for sundog1
Member Avatar for //Gonz

I have written a program which allows agents of a call centre the ability to access a database (ms access) containing names of solicitors to allocate to. the database is stored centrally and i need a way to update the local dataset on the agents machine when a change is …

Member Avatar for //Gonz
Member Avatar for themaj

I have a dataset (GrindItems) with 4 datatables successfully populated from dbf files. If I understand the concept of a dataset, I no longer need an open connection to the source db and I should be able to query my dataset. My first question is whether I need a Connection …

Member Avatar for themaj
Member Avatar for crazyvonzipper

HI. I have a situation where we need to pull data from multiple data sources into one dataset. Once we have the data in one dataset we would like to somehow manage to execute some sort of [complex] select query on the data in order to generate a new DataTable …

Member Avatar for Michael27
Member Avatar for themaj

Trying to figure out the best way to do create a CSV export file from my source files and need some input. I'm trying to build a CSV export file for import to an Accounting System where there are 3 different tables mapped to a single field in the main …

Member Avatar for themaj
Member Avatar for raaif

I am trying to save database after inserting the records into dataset from external file.... But when I insert records and then try to save it, it does not save...No error comes up though.??? Can you please look into the code and help?? If file_path = Nothing Then Msgbox.Show ("Database …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for ashley24

Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Collections Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Resources Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Net.Mail Imports System.Configuration Imports System.Web Imports System.Web.Security Imports System.Web.UI Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim counter As Int32 = 0 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi In my program I have a Dataset that populates a Rdlc file and it was working Fine until I Encrypted the Accdb file and now when I run the App I get "Not a valid password" error at this line [CODE]Me.Services_QryTableAdapter.Fill(Me.CFIDataset.Services_qry, RprtID)[/CODE] I have tried Modifying the connection for …

Member Avatar for BaxterWoofus

In Visual Studio 2010, I have a windows forms application frmMain.cs with a ComboBox. From the form itself I can access its value with cmbxYear.SelectedValue. I also have a DataSet.xsd file to bind to an rdlc report to a TableAdapter to present view data. The TableAdapter has a SelectCommand that …

Member Avatar for BaxterWoofus
Member Avatar for dwayned

HI I am using - ASP.Net - C# - SQL Server Express 2008 R2 I have a table called customers which contains all customer details and a stored procedure which gets: - Total No Of Customers - Total No Of Customers in Region1 - Total No Of Customers in Region2 …

Member Avatar for suzaine
Member Avatar for Lopoc

Hello This is my first post so I’m sorry if I ramble and don’t explain my issue clearly. I am binding a dataset (dsTest) with a table called “TempResult” to a datagrid (DatagridView1). The purpose of the datagrid is to display test labels (set elsewhere in the software) and to …

Member Avatar for Lopoc
Member Avatar for niggz

Hi again! I have a database and some tables filled with data. [code=c#] var club = Baza.Clubs; //Baza is dataset, and Clubs is table var schedule = Baza.Schedule; // same as above for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++) { if(schedule[i].day == 2) // BOOM! Breaks at first …

Member Avatar for niggz
Member Avatar for jbutardo

Need help, I need to know on how can VB.net validates the format of each cell on the excel file that it opens, for example, the first row should only be numeric, or cannot be null, is it possible that vb.net can check it before it inserts it in the …

Member Avatar for jbutardo
Member Avatar for fabiocrj

Hi all, I'm new to vb.net and Sql server... So it may be a newbie question, but i've searched many places and did't find the answer.. so, here i go: I've just installed sql server, and i want to databind some textboxes in a form... but i dont really know …

Member Avatar for fabiocrj
Member Avatar for churni

Hi All I am creating a program which will (in the end) help me quickly transfer products from one category into another within a MySQL Database. I have a database with TWO separate tables which are connected using INNER JOIN where the products have a categoryID as do the categories …

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for niggz

Hello masters! I have a project and need a bit of your help. I would like to access/get values from certain fields from a database and assing that value to a variable. Database is included into my project along with DataSet. Is there any simple way to access certain field? …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for horsetamer

Hello I am having some trouble here, I created a Microsoft Access dataset (.accdb) It is being used with some listboxes, comboboxes etc. The problem is when I publish the whole thing the datasets do not publish along with it and my program opens but there are not values. Anyone …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for skran

I would like to give me your help please.. I have connected my sql db with vb and I m trying to make a UI. My question is that when I write code in order to create datatables and I fill them with the results of queries I've created, where …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for rubenrav

I'm writing a program has access to a database (a database where an other software stores data that users type). This database has several colums, but in my code, i need to use the two columns that describes where the data is from, and the the date when the data …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for alsatan

Hello to all, sorry if my english is not so good, I will try to explain the problem. I need to copy all data from a Table of a Acces mdb (connected with OleDB) to a Table of a MySql DB (connected with ODBC) I made a working solution, but …

Member Avatar for mattnguyen45

The Class has no error, but the test program has a constructor error on line 21. [CODE] /** * DataSet Class * * @version 10/3/11 */ public class DataSet { private int Sum; private double Average; private int Largest; private int Smallest; public DataSet(int Sum,int Largest,int Smallest, double Average) { …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tombihn

My original query for data from the database was: [CODE] Dim SQL_RecentWorkOrders As String = "Select * from workorder WHERE date&gt;#" + dtToday.AddYears(-YearsToGoBack).ToString + "# ORDER BY worknum DESC"[/CODE] The updated query is as follows: [CODE] Dim SQL_RecentWorkOrders As String = "SELECT * FROM workorder INNER JOIN customer ON workorder.custid …

Member Avatar for tombihn
Member Avatar for mrbungle

Like the title says, I have about 10-15 rows in a local dataset. I need to take any one row, and make it the "default" (on a button click), meaning to take that row and stick it right at the top so it comes up first. I've been up and …

Member Avatar for mrbungle
Member Avatar for studentoflife

I return 30 tables or so from sql in a stored procedure. In the stored procedure I select these tables via... [CODE]select * from myTable1 select * from myTable2 select * from myTable3[/CODE] etc. These tables lose their sql table name when returned in a dataset and have default names …

Member Avatar for studentoflife
Member Avatar for ashish101

I'm doing connectivity of my sql server database with C sharp code. In sql server 2005 i made two tables person(empid,citycode,name,salary) and city(name,citycode)and entered few records. i haven't set any constraint on any column. Person 11 Ashish 101 99000 12 XYZ111 110 993939 13 yuuuuu 101 88484 14 hdhfhh 101 …

Member Avatar for ashish101
Member Avatar for techturtle

I’m fairly new to C#, especially with databases. I’ve worked in VBA and Delphi doing databases, so I was hoping to just use this like a RecordSet or a Tcursor, but so far it’s not panning out like that. I have a SQL database added as a dataset in my …

Member Avatar for techturtle
Member Avatar for bklynman01

Hello, I have two DataGridViews in one window. The first one displays 2 columns, itemNo and task. When I click on a row in this grid, I want to populate the second grid with corresponding material. It is organized so that the itemNo in grid1 is 1, 2, 3, and …

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Member Avatar for Nat_xo

Okay, so I was originally having problems even saving the data, but I can now get it to stay in the dataset, and when I switch to another page it stays there when I go back to it. Although when I close the form and reopen it, the changed data …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for krunalkakadia

hi all, i have image path name in database and i am fetching it this way. [code] con.Open(); string img= "select imgPath from Tbl_Image where imgId='1'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(img,con); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); con.Close(); [/code] i got path name in ds. …

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The End.