Hello good people, I am having an issue with including subreports, lists and table datasets in the main report using jasper reports since i want to include two separate sql queries in my report. I am using the same connection to my database for both the main report and the other dataset.

The problem is that when i preview the report using the iReport designer it shows everything i want to see, but when i use the php-jasper library in my php script to call the .jrxml file and output a pdf it does not show the sub-report, lists or table datasets i have put.

If anyone could tell me how the php-jasper library works or a solution to my problem, i would greatly appreciate that.

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The problem is that when i preview the report using the iReport designer it shows everything i want to see, but when i use the php-jasper library in my php script to call the .jrxml file and output a pdf it does not show the sub-report, lists or table datasets i have put.

I assume you are using this:


Well i am using the php-jasper library. But the problem is showing sub-reports in pdf using the library.

is this already solved? because I also need a answer XD

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