Why should you outsource Software development company in India

It’s been my personal experience that you shouldn’t. Web development houses in India tend to hire self-taught programmers with not a lot of strong experience.

That isn’t anything negative about programmers from India. I’d actually recommend Upwork and there are a lot of really strong programmers there from around the world.

It’s just my opinion to avoid web dev shops that advertise lower rates because they’re overseas.

They aren’t cheaper because they’re overseas. They’re cheaper because the quality of the work is poorer and the people they hire have less experience.

The really high quality overseas programmers compete for jobs against Americans and command American rates.

My experience can be described as a "mixed bag" of results on outsourcing. A close friend does nothing but connect companies that need apps or such with companies that develop apps or such.

Last time we discussed this he was in the Ukraine, South America, South Korea and other parts of Europe. He no longer sources where you asked about. We didn't get into why.

However the most common reasons for outsourcing I hear of are:

  1. Cost.
  2. Capabilities not inside the company.

As you know, the lowest cost bidder is usually a very bad idea.

I have nothing against outsourcing at all. For some business models, it makes 1000% more sense to outsource and work with consultants than to hire employees. This specific question was about outsourcing software dev shops that promote how they're from India and are therefore cheaper.

If you're a remote consultant working from home, anywhere around the world, and you have an excellent command of the English language, then it doesn't matter where you're geographically located. If you're good, you can command good rates.

I've been involved with projects outsourced to India several times.
All but one of those I got involved because the results coming out of India were so bad a local team was put together to rebuild the product from scratch.
The one that wasn't as bad wasn't mainly because the company had their own offices and staff in India AND sent senior developers and scrum masters to India on a rotation to oversee the people there.

And that's not specific to India. The same experience I've had with Pakistan, Indonesia, Romania, Poland, and several other countries.
Maybe all those companies just got unlucky, but I see a pattern and the general trend towards outsourcing seems to indicate that it's a common theme (meaning, ever more companies are stopping their outsourcing efforts and reinstituting IT departments at home).

It's just cheap, but I doubt they speak English well.

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