Many years ago, DaniWeb offered a pay-to-post system where each post was awarded a monetary value (typically between 5 and 50 cents), depending upon how in-depth it was, upvotes, etc.

Members could cash out once a month if they earned $10 or more from their posts.

Very few members took us up on this opportunity, and we ultimately ended the program.

I'm debating whether we should start it up again. Does anyone still think it's a good idea, 10 years later?

If you can afford it, and you think it will encourage worthwhile posts, then by all means. As in the past, I will not redeem any bonuses earned. I do it for the love of the craft.

commented: Agreed. If you you can but don't try, you've already failed. +0

It'll just invite more spambots, not just to post the posts to be paid out but even more of them to upvote those posts.
Unless you can take care of the glut of spam accounts and homework kiddos (who'd no doubt do the same for their classmates) you'd just end up paying out a lot of money for more useless posts.

The system we had in the past was sophisticated enough to not be manipulated by spam bots or quickie posts.

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