Hi DW.

I'm a bit confused and lost on how this App is working called Ha Tunnel Plus (You can check it on Playstore, and have a look on YouTube for the configuration file). Basically it somehow uses the internet connection of the server, it tunnels it to your Android device and you can be connected to the internet without having data on your mobile network sim card, but you can use internet just like you would normally do except that this is not limited on how much data you as a user is using.

I tried playing around with the bunch of source codes I found on github but they don't connect, so since I was trying to connect using on of the IP address that worked on Ha Tunnel Plus, I thought it would also work in my App but it didin't, and I thing that .hat configuration file is the certificate because I found some encrypted data but it just text.

In my case I want to be able to limit this internet access only to my App, also be able to dynamically change this so the entire phone can use it. I don't want a user to select the countries nor see it rather randomly do that at the background, but first thing first. for this kind is it reversing internet connetion or what? How does this work exactly because others I saw they work only if you have data otherwise it doesn't connect. Another that I saw from YouTube to be working is NPK Tunnel, TLS Injector. Anyone know how these Apps work?

Thank you.

To the last question, yes and no. My background included writing code for a router long ago. So let's dive in.

  1. There is no magic here. To get data from the Internet without using your mobile network, then it has to be over WiFi, Bluetooth and in rare cases something else but for most it's WiFi.
  2. I'm not going to write a tutorial about "How VPNs Work" because that's done. If you had a more specific question we can kick that around.
  3. If a VPN fails, then we talk to the VPN PROVIDER.

Oh, wait, there's the magic word or phrase: "VPN PROVIDER." Not only must the data flow over some network (cellular/mobile/WiFi/Bluetooth) there must be some VPN SERVER out there that is reachable. Some VPN SERVERS are not. Example: Some in China, Iran, etc.

-> So for these to work:

  1. There has to be a VPN Server that is working. (Not up to you!)
  2. There must be a path for the data to flow (WiFi, etc.)
  3. Maybe other factors as Android OS version. I don't expect Android OS 1.4 to work today.

Oh, wait, there's the magic word or phrase: "VPN PROVIDER." Not only must the data flow over some network (cellular/mobile/WiFi/Bluetooth) there must be some VPN SERVER out there that is reachable. Some VPN SERVERS are not. Example: Some in China, Iran, etc.

Yes I'm totally aware of this, I think my question is on how does it proceed transmitting the network packets to the VPN Server and vise verse where as the middle man (Cellular network operator) has terminated your connection to the internet. How does data continue to the VPN Server and also transmitted from VPN Server to this client cause that should be blocked since I don't have data.

I saw a lot of confusing VPN technologies that are used like IPSec, and others. This end up confusing because what I've seen is that this thing is divided, there's VPN and there's Tunneling, but they use both. For Ha Tunnel it sais it uses SSH2.0 and P2P and when it connect I think it check the connection with www.sshserver.com:22 and create a local host I think this is for communicating with the Tunnel server but the Forward DNS is alway No which means it doesn't forward.

I once saw can't recall weather it was a video or aticle that says for this to work you need to confuse the SSL by scrambling data and forward it to your wrong (correc) VPN server so it will try to correct this but by doing so trying to correct this it actually giving you the packets you are looking for. This was a bit confusing as there was no code showing this.

Let me test what I have so far and see if it will work or not.

MR M ...
i would like to speak you " h b c @"mail.com plz i will pay for you time :)

i think We have to work on it be like a Team And expose How Vpn service work and what is the process behind.

Before visiting websites, you'll log into your VPN provider’s service. When you then start searching online, the websites you visit and your own internet service provider — ISP, for short — won't see your IP address. Instead, they'll see the IP address of your VPN provider, helping to protect your privacy.

I was referring to that free internet VPN (Tunnels) like Ha Tunnel and others. Basically these kind of Apps allow you to access internet even if you don't have data at all as well as airtime. You are able to surf internet as if you have data, watch videos, stream, it's like you have an unlimited internet access for free.

So that what I was asking as to how does it work, there's a project that I'm working on and if I can be able to also understand the working of the VPN that will help a lot in this project.

Basically these kind of Apps allow you to access internet even if you don't have data at all

I believe you are mistaken about this. VPNs and tunnels still need to transmit your bytes over your internet connection.
What makes you think otherwise?

I've personally used it, I would accee internet without me having active data bundles loaded or so, but one thing is that you have to open your mobile data connection for it to work but your account can be 0.00 both data and airtime but still it connects.

Since you have to open the mobile data connection, that's where the data flows. Not much of a mystery.

So the question here is, how does it allow data to flow? Remember an MNO (Mobile Network Operator) terminate your internet access when your mobile data depleted, but with this it allow you to connect over the same MNO that termnated your connection but still be able to connect. That's all I want or perhaps that piece of Java code to achieve that. But also a clear explanation of how does this happen will be highly appreciated.

Your last question is carrier specific. While the mystery is not how you get data now, any question about data would be to the carrier now.

That said, I have been on projects that used mobile data plans. And they were not using a smart phone. Think GPS trackers.

And similarly I've worked with systems where the devices has SIM cards and a GSM plan but no data. All communication was done using SMS.
Bit cumbersome, but that's how things worked back in the day when mobile data plans were either unavailable, unreliable, and/or extremely expensive and the volume of data was very low.

Thanks but maybe I didn't properly write my question or.

I've made an example with an Apps anyone can download on Google Play Store and try it out to understand my question or perhaps check YouTube videos to understand what I'm referring to.

Ha Tunnel is an App, when you have installed it you can literally connect to the internet with even a brand new sim card that you have just inserted into your phone without recharging. The SIM card can be 0.00MB data, 0.00 airtime but with this kind of App you are able to access(surf) internet.

Now my question is how does it transport data since your MNO/network provider does not allo you to surf internet without recharging. NB, there no other form of connection use like GPS/Bluetooth, you only open data connection as you would when you have data.

How does the VPN/Tunnel internet to your phone. How does these Apps work to achieve this? No SMS or anything it only tunnel that's all.

Thank you.

commented: you're either a liar or delusional -4

sorry, but such an app simply won't work unless it finds an unsecured WiFi network to connect through.
Which is probably exactly what it does.

It's not a VPN in that case, it's a network sniffer and probably a nasty one that tries to brute force poorly secured networks as well.

commented: As I've said it does exist and working. You don't open any WiFi you only open data connection that all. -1
commented: I guess that's what it is. +0

This web site may be the answer...

It seems there are "zero rated" web sites set up by various governments and ISPs for social purposes - especially for educational or COVID-relate info. Somehow using these sites is literally free from any ISP data usage charges or requirements. "Bug hosts" are zero-rated sites with known security holes that allow you to use them as a kind of proxy to access ordinary internet services. Ha Tunnel seems to use these bug hosts.

commented: that'd be highly dependent on your mobile network... +16

Actually, this is similar to HTTP Injector. These types of tunneling apps connect to a squid proxy that is used to access free pages that do not cost any mobile data or balance. After connecting to that free page, they find a way to bypass the proxy and grant you free internet. Actually, I forgot the terminology for the page used but they are basically the one's that require you to login to your network account. For example, the ISP pages that you access free of cost to manage your account or login. Something similar to that, as I forget things quickly to remeber everything.

Now, most of the network companies have found out this bug and they are consistently blocking those proxies and making free pages cost data charge. This will only work for a limited time only unless every company figures it out blocking those free pages. Moreover, apps like HA Tunnel and HTTP Injector were made for the purpose of providing free VPN through custom servers. But some intellegent minds started to exploit it. So, it is what it is man, you need to discover the appropriate proxy and try if it is not blocked yet.

commented: downvoting posts you agree with? -4
commented: That makes sense indeed. I saw a collection of these servers online, I've forgotten the site I've saw this on +7

@Mr. M I don't know why I can't reply to comments but just post a reply to direct threads. I guess I don't have the previleges to do so. Anyways, I found most of the information about these types of reverse proxies

@MrM it is indeed true that ha tunnel plus basically allows a physical device to use a remote server's internet access capabilities. This however seems to require a network provider but no data is needed to connect. Since the last time this topic was discussed is 2 years ago. I'm curious to know whether you have found the solution to how this technology works. I am a networking student and I am fascinated by this

It seems you're curious about how apps like Ha Tunnel Plus, NPK Tunnel, and TLS Injector work, enabling internet access without using mobile data. Here's a brief explanation:

Tunneling Technology: Apps like Ha Tunnel Plus use tunneling protocols, possibly SSH2.0, to create a secure connection between your device and a server. This allows you to access the internet via the server's connection.

Configuration Files: The .hat configuration files likely contain essential settings for the tunnel, including server details and encryption keys. However, deciphering the encrypted text might be necessary for your custom app.

Selective App Access: Achieving selective app access to this tunnel may involve integrating the tunneling technology into your app and implementing network traffic routing specifically for your application.

Dynamic Changes: To dynamically change settings, you might need to develop a mechanism within your app to adjust tunnel parameters in real-time, allowing for flexibility.

Background Operations: To run in the background and randomize connections, you'd need to manage background processes efficiently, ensuring seamless and randomized tunneling without user intervention.

As for NPK Tunnel and TLS Injector, their workings likely involve similar tunneling concepts, possibly with variations in protocols and configurations.

Feel free to explore the provided search results for more in-depth information on these apps and their functionalities.

Let's assume I already have a remote server with internet access, how do create such a setup similar to how ha tunnel plus works so that I am able to make a connection betweethe server and my physical device without data. Even if I have cellular data then we can use that to make the connection thereafter we can use the remote server's internet to surf the net. Is this something that is possible. All in all dont want my cellular data to be consumed while interacting with the internet

Can a website be made to act as a proxy

I guess a more research on this has to be made, problem is that it is hard to get the exact people who knows this and has done it before to give straight answers.

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