I'm very new to Java and I have the following problem while compiling a source code:
g:\Java\Proj\baseline.java:1487: cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor a(baseline)
location: class baseline.a
k.setItemStateListener(new a(this));
I've ran the compiler with the following flags:
javac -d g:\Java\Proj\compiled\ -classpath g:\Java\WTK2\wtklib\emptyapi g:\Java\Proj\baseline.java
The source files are composed by a file called "baseline.jad" and another called "a.jad" which are in the same folder. Now I've renamed both files with the ".java" extension.
I don't know much about java but I think that the error could be caused by wrong filename/folder of the "a.java" or if the "a.java" class must be imported/declareted in some way in the "baseline.java" source.
Many thanks in advance for any help. ;)