I read about that. Apparently the wife had had extensive plastic surgery before they met and didn't tell him.

There were 36 attempts to assassinate hitler, so he killed himself towards the end of war

It just goes to show you that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself.

It just goes to show you that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself.

That is pinpoint accuaracy right there.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

a single, a double, a triple and a homerun is a cycle that is are hard feat to accomplished.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

you can steal 2nd base and 3rd base and ever home plate but not 1st base.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

An idealists is always an idealists as long as the world thought it might or should be

Member Avatar for LastMitch

I'm a rationalist and I always will think as a rationalist.

@LastMitch, i think you should have posted those 2 quotes in the thoughts of the day thread or famous quotes thread...

Member Avatar for LastMitch

@LastMitch, i think you should have posted those 2 quotes in the thoughts of the day thread or famous quotes thread...

I hope you know it was just gibberish but it does sound like a loo maybe

In Las Vegas some worshippers at Sunday services will give casino chips rather than cash when the basket is passed.

Since they get chips from many different casinos, the churches have devised a method to collect the offerings.

They send all their collected chips to a nearby Franciscan Monastery for sorting. Then the chips are taken to the casinos of origin and cashed in.

These monks are called chip monks.

commented: Great! +0
Member Avatar for LastMitch

In Las Vegas some worshippers at Sunday services will give casino chips rather than cash when the basket is passed.

I like that offering.

A newspaper critic described the public showing of a pornographic (by the standards of the times) film as "Magnified to gargantuan proportions, it is absolutely disgusting. ... Such things call for police intervention.”. The film was The Kiss, by William Heise. The running time was approximately 51 seconds and it consisted of a closeup of John Rice and May Irwin passionately kissing. The year was 1896. How times have changed.

The old tale is true, you can balance an egg on it's end at the vernal equinox, March 20th this year. You can also balance an egg on it's end any other day of the year.

Iran’s government-controlled telecommunications firm bought US-made surveillance equipment from a Chinese company as part of a $130.6 million deal.

The number 61 has a reciprocal 1/61 with a period of 60, and every digit appears 6 times in it.

The letters in the phrase TWELVE PLUS ONE can be rearranged to form ELEVEN PLUS TWO so the following is true in two senses


The smallest number to speak out in the English language requiring 5 syllables is 77.

According to NASA, it takes 17.5 trees to produce the ogygen required to support one person, but 20 trees per person to consume the CO2 produced by one person. They did not mention what specific type of tree.

In about 1938 this device was invented to deterr hoaxers from setting off a false alarm. Woe betide you if you were a hoaxer... and if there was a fire? Well...

I've lost count of how many times I've heard that "great developers are 10 times more productive than your average programmer." The actual original statement by Fred Brooks was that in one study, the very best programmers were 10 times more productive than the very worst programmers. And that was from a study done in 1966.

The world's largest solar power plant is close to completion south of Las Vegas. It is a thermal design where where 340,000 large mirrors focus sunlight on three towers with boilers on top to produce up to 392 megawatt of electric power. Google is one of the investors in the project.

I wonder where they are going to get the water?

We're still in the steam age. :-)

There has been a solar thermal plant in the Mohave since the '80s I think and no problems with water. There aren't that many workers who are physically at the plant so a relatively small amount a water covers their drinking, bathroom, etc. requirements, but it probably has to be trucked in.

I wonder how much water is actually used (as in boiled off and not reused) in the generation. I've heard that cities like Las Vegas (Phoenix, etc.) are rapidly approaching crunch time when it comes to getting enough water to support the industries and people who live there.

I do not know of water being used in the generation process. But perhaps that is in another type of thermal solar plant. This uses some kind of "salt" that melts when heated (I think to something like 1000 degrees F which leaves water out). The salt then heats a tank of some type of mixture that produces steam and turns a turbine, but that is a closed system meaning an extremely small amout is lost. Another advantage is that the heated salts can be stored to generate power at night.

The water can easily be recycled. I read that North of Las Vegas a large molten salt solar plant is being built. The molten salt is usually a mixture of sodium and potassium nitrate maybe with some nitrites thrown in. The whole thing melts relatively low and then is stored at about 1000 degF in big well insulated steel tanks. From there it is pumped to heat exchangers to produce steam for the turbines as needed. Nevada Energy is buying the power generated, NE is owned by Warren Buffet, one of the richest man on earth.

In Las Vegas some worshippers at Sunday services will give casino chips rather than cash when the basket is passed.
Since they get chips from many different casinos, the churches have devised a method to collect the offerings.
They send all their collected chips to a nearby Franciscan Monastery for sorting. Then the chips are taken to the casinos of origin and cashed in.
These monks are called chip monks

Sorting gambling chips, is very tiring work,
chip monks need food that will not allow their mental accuities to to diminish, fish is the ideal food
high in omega whatevers, and protein

chip monks are fed by fish friars

The Honda HF2620 Lawn Tractor is the fastest in the world. It goes from 0 to 60 mph in 4 seconds and can drive speeds of up to 135 mph.

Phone calls and e-mails aren't the only thing recorded and stored by the government. According to recent news reports lisence plate readers are installed on many roads and bridges and record the movment of individual cars.

As face recognition software improves, individual people will most likely be next.

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