I think that we all have them now! :mrgreen:
But I have 6 inv. if anyone needs, just post msg here or send mail to ppajac[at]gmail.com

I would LOVE a G-Mail account of my very own!

E-Mail me please, psyche@ringdown.com

Please / please / please!


I would LOVE a G-Mail account of my very own!

E-Mail me please, psyche@ringdown.com

Please / please / please!

Sent to @justaguy ;)


Thanks Pajac, you have made my day! This is the nicest thing anyone on-line has done for me, appreciate your generosity!


Thanks a lot

thanking you not enough
all of you

Would somebody please send me one gmail invitation??? :o please... ;)
email me: jang_nara1127@yahoo.com

One more to go! :mrgreen:

yay! :mrgreen: thank you so much nanosani! ^_^ :)

Hey I have 95 invites left .. anyone wanting an invite mail me to nanosani@gmail.com

Hi everyone,

I too got about 50 invites so if there is anyone out there who'd like to get one then just email me with a subject like "invite me" or something similar :)

ram@ocwire.com (don't worry it'll be forwarded to my gmail account)

Ciao for now.

I'm like everyone else, now-- I've got 50 or so invites now:


When we're replying to this thread, let's keep in mind that gmail invites aren't as hot of a commodity as they once were. If you want to give them out, give them out, but don't put any conditions on them.

First three people to pm with their emails.
Good Luck!

Argh! i haven't recieved additional invites in a few months.

Recieved an additional 40 invites -> PM me if your interested

Can I get some invites blud, please.

Can I get some invites blud, please.

I have one.

I have some GMAIL invites - Please send your name and email address. Please note: Genuine requests only. Post your email address here.

Go here go there. . . problem is that most times a body has to register at another board that I have no intention of going back to. I guess that I will just have to wait.

Go here go there. . . problem is that most times a body has to register at another board that I have no intention of going back to. I guess that I will just have to wait.

Actually you don't need to register it just shows you the contact information to send an email to.


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