Please help me with this. i really need to no how to make a rollover image 4 my site. a need a detailed discription please. i've looked on several sites and done several searches for help on making rollover images and none have helped me. i am using geocities as a webhost. if u help me i will give u positive feed back so please help me!
hammy 7 Junior Poster
Narue 5,707 Bad Cop Team Colleague
vegaseat 1,735 DaniWeb's Hypocrite Team Colleague
hammy 7 Junior Poster
Narue 5,707 Bad Cop Team Colleague
hammy 7 Junior Poster
Narue 5,707 Bad Cop Team Colleague
hammy 7 Junior Poster
Narue 5,707 Bad Cop Team Colleague
dlh6213 commented: Thanks for helping my son with this; he's surpassing me in some areas! -- dlh +1
hammy 7 Junior Poster
tom_h_500 0 Light Poster
hammy 7 Junior Poster
hammy 7 Junior Poster
hammy 7 Junior Poster
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