rob zombie -> zombies

zombies - role playing games

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

role playing game -> games

games -> video games

Video games--->Children

Video games--->Children

(I play video games ;) but I'm not a child.)

children -> beautiful

Video games--->Children

(**I play video games all the time-- I'll be 36 in 2-weeks :surprised:p;))

beautiful --> forlorn

forlorn -> rejected

rejected --> bitter

bitter -> harsh

harsh --> smoke

smoke -> cigarettes

cigarettes --> my downfall :(

your downfall (cigarettes) -> unhealthy

unhealthy -> junk foods

junk foods -> junkyard


yard - courtyard

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

courtyar -> backyard

backyard - back alley

back alley-->A Film

A film - cinema

Cinema-->Girl Friend

Girl friend - bride


Sorry for this second reply, for a one...


Jewels --> amber

amber -> ruby

ruby --> Python

Python -> Boa

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