suck -> this thread (b/c only 2 people are playing!) lol..

this thread (b/c only 2 people are playing!) lol.. -> truth :)

truth -> not always what we want:-/

not always what we want -> faith

faith -> flawed

flawed -> faulty

faulty -> San Andreas


stealthy -> U.S. Air Force

U.S. Air Force -> U.S. Army

U.S. Army -> under budget

under budget -> in debt

in debt -> Americans

Americans -> dumbies ;)

lol dumbies -> the French

the French -> french fries

french fries -> McDonald's

McDonald's -> obesity

obesity -> fat A$$

lol fat A$$ -> unhealthy

unhealthy -> death

death -> sorrow

sorrow -> pity

pity -> shame

shame -> stupid

stupid -> ignorant

ignorant -> fool

fool -> trick

trick -> magician

magician -> witchcraft

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