water --> clean

clean -> sweep

sweep --> broom

broom -> magic


witch -> hazel

hazle --> nut

pea --> brain


<(Da Silly Puppy)>

buttons --> coat

coat -> paint

paint-->Van Gogh

Van Goh --> Vroom

(Van Go Vroom.. get it.. ugh.. nevermind)

Vroom --> Fumes

(mabey a few to many in some cases eh? ;) )

Flame > Smoke

smoke > musty


river > Nile

Nile -> cataract

cataract --> eye

eye --> 'm Sorry

(my way of apologizing for the fume crack earlier. :D )

'm Sorry -> Dani

:lol: :lol: :lol:

i tried to


Dani -> forum


dude > chic

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