I currently use coda 2 and dreamweaver cs5 and cs6 (i am looking to a Java editor, if you guys know of one, tell me)...
What are your preffered editors?

Coda was alright, until they released Coda 2.

I use Sublime Text 2 - Great editor :)

(i am looking to a Java editor, if you guys know of one, tell me)

popular IDE's would be:

  • Netbeans (I most often use this since it's helped me in a lot of projects, used it in a long time to learn how to use it efficiently and I found it useful for other prog. languages related to my studies)
  • Eclipse
  • IntelliJ

Preferred editor should depend on your preferred coding environment. On MS-Windows I prefer Visual Studio for C, C++, C# amd VB.NET. For others like HTML I just use Notepad. In *nix I use Code::Blocks or vi.

Check out Eclipse. I use Zend PHP Studio, which is a PHP fork of eclipse, and really like it. I know Eclipse has a reputation as a Java editor. On my mac, I use Coda 2. No experience with the original Coda so I can't compare.

same with dreamweaver cs5, gEdit + gcc-make, Qt IDE etc

I like the SharpDevelop IDE very useful for C# and IronPython.

With Java having all those security issues right now, I am reluctant to use software like Eclipse or Netbeans.

With Java having all those security issues right now, I am reluctant to use software like Eclipse or Netbeans.

@ZZucker, i am beginning to learn java, so i may not have the same issue until i am at your skills (which could be in a while).

if you are just beginning, I would advice a very simple text-editor and the command prompt, so you'll learn how to compile, package, run, ... your applications without an IDE hiding the steps you should take.

so, just beginning, notepad++ is a nice way to go.

when you're more familiar with both the language and the tools, you can step to a light-weight IDE, JCreator for instance for simple applications. it loads pretty fast and uses very little of your system's resources.

as for me: what I use depends on the project I'm working on.
when I'm working on a class library (supporting library, not a working stand-alone application) I usually start up NetBeans, same when I'm working on a Swing GUI (and no, I don't mean I use the editor, because the code that thing generates is crap).
if I'm working on a webapp, jsp, jsf, GWT, ... I'm more likely to boot up eclipse, or the eclipse based SpringSource IDE.

In the end, it all depends on which IDE you feel best with.

If you're searching just for the editor, with no additional environment to your programming language, I would suggest Sublime Text 2 or Notepad++ (no direct support for *nix).
If you do search for a complete IDE, than I suggest trying some IDE's, and settle for what suites you better.

In these days I code mostly in Python, and use an IDE geared for that language, like Eric or PyScripter.

CodeBlocks isn't too bad for generic C or C++ code.

I am still looking for an IDE for Jython. NetBeans was supposed to work, but was ghastly!

I do like Code::Blocks for more console based apps, but is a right pain to work on anything other (ie GUIs etc).

And the python is normally done in their default IDE or gEdit, so not very sophisticated aha

Portable Python (aka. Flashcard Python or Python on a stick) comes with PyScripter and that IDE is a pleasure to code with. Python is a great language to solve scientific problems.

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