I posted about the competition I as going to about a week back. Here's how it went.

Well I went to my first progaming competition (which the whole state of Oklahoma competeing), and when I was making the application things were not going smoothly. Actully, afterwards I was extremely disappointed and upset with my performance, and was 100% sure that I was gonna place last. So I decided to just take it as a learning experience and not beat myself up for it. So I go to the award ceremony and went up on stage with all my other competitors. I wasn't listening for my name at all. They announce third, I clapped for her, then they announce second and when they did they announce my name, I WON SECOND PLACE!!! It was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me!!!

Now I get to go to Nationals! Which are located in Orlando, Florida in DisneyWorld!

I couldn't have done it without my friends, my family, my instructor, and the Lord who was watching over me!

tux4life commented: Congratulations and good luck in the upcoming competition ;-) +0




I couldn't have done it without my friends, my family, my instructor, and the Lord who was watching over me!

...and just a little bit of Daniweb ;)

Thank you soo much everyone!!!

And yes I coudn't have done it without Daniweb either. ;)

Congrats! Do you think you can claim first in the nationals and what kind of program did you create?

Thank you <MICHAEL>!

Hmm, I'm not sure if I'll be able to claim first at Nationals or not, I'm just gonna do my best and give it my all. I mean I didn't epect to second at State. ;)

Well, the application they wanted us to create was pretty simple.
Basically saving listbox items in an array, and being able to add items, move items, and delete items, along with the specifics as far as naming and everything goes. However, they're instruction, weren't as clear as hoped they would, and the graphics for the applicaion were supposed to be loaded on to a flashdrive they gave us. They weren't loaded, and it took them like an hour, just to get it straightened out.

Basically saving listbox items in an array, and being able to add items, move items, and delete items, along with the specifics as far as naming and everything goes. However, they're instruction, weren't as clear as hoped they would, and the graphics for the applicaion were supposed to be loaded on to a flashdrive they gave us. They weren't loaded, and it took them like an hour, just to get it straightened out.

Wow, I can't even do that... well, not yet. What language did they make you use or was it an option to pick any language you want?

Well, I struggled with moving the items in the listbox, and the array.

I choose to go into Visual Basic.NET, people were also competeing in C++ and Java, but I think their app. might have been different.

well, at least you made it to move on to phase 2 :)

Is the competition sectioned into languages? So was there a first, second and third in each language or was it all combined?

By moving around, do you mean inside the array? So that movement in the listbox order was reflected in the array order?

Well, all the laguages competed at the same time, but when it came down to the results each language did have a First, Second, and Third place.

I do believe they wanted us to move the otems within' the array so they are reflected in the array order, that is the part I struggled with the most. Put I'm gonna beef up my array knowledge before nationals. :D

When is the nationals? Also, do you get points for finishing a project fastest (with your work being perfect).

We leave for Nationals May 7th and come back on the 12th. Only two months soo excited!!!

And no you can't get extra points, so you can take as much time as they give you. Which during state they gave me an extra 30minutes due to them not having our graphics files preloaded on the flash drive. So my strategy pretty much for all tests was to take as much time as I want up to the very last minute to make sure everything's just they way I want it and hey it's always paid off. :)

Great Work!

I liked your attitude. I am currently working towards a major programming competition and it really helps just to remember that I originally joined to have fun. I am inspired by what you have done.
Thankyou and good luck! :)

Thank you soo much CodeWeaver!
It's great to hear that you are also working towards a programming competition.
What language are you studying?

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