So anyone here who loves sublime text ? I do , and i use it on windows as my sql editor and compiler. (i have a batch set up which complies the code on mysql , and the output is tee'd back to another open text file)

Sorry, I don't like the looks of it -- looks like something from the 1980's. Notepad++ is much better.


it looks quite modern to me !

I've gotten too used to TextPad but if I could ever find CygnusEd (editor from my Amiga days) I'd switch in a heartbeat.

it looks quite modern to me !

Except for the black MS-DOS-look editor. Looks like ancient Turbo C editor, which was written 30 years ago for MS-DOS 6. They just added a menu on the left side of the window.

I guess modern is relative, if you are used to using vi, vim or emacs for all your coding needs (as many many people do), then, in comparison, sublime-text looks like an ultra-futuristic spaceship (not Xenu's spaceship that "looks exactly like a DC-8").

I tend to prefer when applications stick to the appearance that is standard in the host system. If I want a dark theme, I can set a dark theme on the system, I don't like to have to set themes / color-schemes for each application individually. And also, I have key-combination shortcuts to switch between different themes (useful when light conditions vary). Anyways... enough ranting about that.

I've been using sublime-text for a little while now, on and off. I'm not convinced (yet). I guess I'm too conservative. And I tend to dislike tools that require me to learn all about them, it often feels like the tail wagging the dog, or doing years of training in Kung-Fu in order to break a cinder block, instead of just grabbing a jackhammer and moving on. I just want to write code, and have pleasant visual cues from the syntax highlighting, that's all. I like tools that learn about what I'm doing (what language, what code, etc.) and adapt to that, not tools that demand that I adapt to it, whenever possible. That's why I'll probably have trouble warming up to sublime-text. Although, I do understand its appeal.

And I'm also weirded out by their license structure. They seem to want to reap the benefits of an open-source project (e.g., community contributions) while maintaining the closed-source commercial software model. There's something douchy about that.

My main complaint with sublime-text is , as mike pointed out , its learning curve. I needed to download a youtube playlist of tutorials to get going with it!

Advantages with notepad++ :

  1. easy to understand
  2. easy to set up and use custom key-bindings
  3. color schemes can be easily modified.
  4. i dont know if its me , but notepad++ offers better code-completion. Sublime text just doesn't feel right in that department.
  5. its just FREE. Sublime on the other hand keeps asking me for licensing even though its an "untimed trial" . whatever that means.

But , when it comes to looks , SublimeText is just (imo) such an eye-candy! So much so that i spend a good number of days learning how to use it ! However , apart from the visual charm , a few functional advantages that i feel with sublime are :

  1. side-bar that acts as a project-manager.
  2. it has a console
  3. it can build things.

I think notepad++ can do the build-part too, but the fact that i never needed it says a bit about how easy it is for actual programming.

commented: Don't know why you got downvoted, this is just the lounge +0
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Sublime is the Dog's Bees, for web dev. No doubt about that. Itcan be use for other languages... I was speaking with Mike about this and using c++ but he makes goods points about 'make' files and such.

You will find a lot of web devs harp on about sublime and for good reason.

Once I switched there was no going back.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

By the way considering the first post if you are looking for a handy tool to write sql queries you've got to check out.

It allows you to easily connect to a db and build queries visually. This can save so much time. One of the best finds imo.

commented: +1 for the find! gonna check out some videos for it. +0

Too bad those aren't for the PC.

How long did amiga exist ? When did you make the shift @Jim ?

I got my Amiga 1000 in 1985 (I think). I don't recall how many years I used it. I recall though that I was still using it for quite a few years after IBM and Compaq PCs flooded the home market. As far as I know it is still the only personal computer capable of displaying two different resolutions simultaneously. I eventually made the shift to be compatible with the work environment. But since this is a thread about Sublime I won't wax nostalgic about what could have been ;-P

in 1985 , maybe i was a giant transparent space squid swimming through the void of a parallel universe. i sure wasnt born as a human :P

commented: ikr... +0

its hard to believe that someone downvoted a joke like that :D :P (this is the lounge after all ) .

The post was short , I should have mentioned how cool it occured to me to be actually programming back in 1985 , on an OS that a lot of kids these days haven't even heard of , and on top of that , to have a cool looking text editor ! @Jim , yeah this is a sublime thread , but its also a lounge :) its good to have a loose discussion. :)

Too bad those aren't for the PC.

Someone's bound to have ported to PC. Surely?

Nah. Never happened. Like so many things, it's probably better in my memory than it was in real life. Back then it was awesome. I wonder how it would stack up today. Two of the reasons it was so great

  1. It came with ReXX ports
  2. It relied on the blitter for its responsiveness

ReXX is a scripting language that predate Python by at least a decade. A blitter was a dedicated graphics co-processor that was responsible for the Amiga's incredible graphics capabilities.

I wonder how it would stack up today.

Yeah, a lot of things you thought were awesome just don't have the same feel in the present.

In relation to Sublime Text, I like the look of the colours on the black background, but like others have said, I'd prefer if it stuck to my Gtk theme.

I like the look of the colours on the black background,

that's exactly what got me started with it. as much as i was comfortable with notepad++ , the colors weren't as "sublime". However , now that i use it , i really like the build feature in it. does anyone know of how to have a similar build feature in notepad++ ?

For example , i use this JSON build for my java code :

    "cmd": ["javac","-d","../bin","$file"],
    "file_regex": "^(...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)",
    "selector": ""

takes in the current file location ( which is almost always in the src folder of the current eclipse project) and compiles it into the bin folder.

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