oh yea..i have heard these guys preetty awesum i'd say..i luv their song seize the day n bat counrty 1 n 2

Nope, never heard of them sorry. Maybe you heard of my unknown one? Manowar?

I love Manowar :!::cheesy:

I love Manowar

"Brothers of Metal" have you heard this song :mrgreen:

"Brothers of Metal" have you heard this song :mrgreen:

Yes, of course ;) -- its is one of my favorites by Manowar.:)

Ok Avenged Sevenfold is good and I love the drum solos, but if you really want a good heavy band, you should look at UnderOath or All That Remains. Two extremely good bands. And if you're into amazing drumming like me listen to the song "My Fears Have Become Fobias" by As Blood Runs Black. It's Insane!

Avenged Sevenfold is one of the melodic metal bands that I love to listen to. But my ears belong to Norma Jean. Teehee :D

Ok Avenged Sevenfold is good and I love the drum solos, but if you really want a good heavy band, you should look at UnderOath or All That Remains. Two extremely good bands. And if you're into amazing drumming like me listen to the song "My Fears Have Become Fobias" by As Blood Runs Black. It's Insane!

A few songs with good drumming IMO

• System Of A Down - Snowblind
• Slayer - Seasons in the Abbys
• Iced Earth - The Setian Massacre
• Avenged Sevenfold - Blinded In Chains
• Avenged Sevenfold - We Come Out at Night
• Megadeth - Fight For Freedom (FFF)
• Haste The Day - If I could see
commented: These are awsome bands. :) +1

A few songs with good drumming IMO

• Avenged Sevenfold - Blinded In Chains
• Haste The Day - If I could see

I like Haste The Day. :) I love listening to their aggressive songs. Avenged Sevenfold has also nice guitar lines.

Anybody heard of the band Avenged Sevenfold? I love them, what do you guys think of them? What is some of their best songs?

I doubt if anyone will ever top the Bealtes !!

commented: Who cares? That has nothing to do with the question. -2

I doubt if anyone will ever top the Bealtes !!

The Beatles = Legends

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