A grilled cheese sandwich with my home made chicken noodle soup.

Pancake, maple situp, black coffee.

The situp above must of course be sirup!
Now I'm eating "speculaas" with buttered bread an black coffee

The situp above must of course be sirup!

Unless you are doing situps to wear off the calories from the pancakes.

Unless you are doing situps to wear off the calories from the pancakes

Everytime he eats a pancake, he does a situp. Haha ;)

Yes, I have a six pack!
Six cans of beer... always... in the fridge. ;)

Yes, I have a six pack!
Six cans of beer... always... in the fridge. ;)

I have one... more in the 8 region but is not located in the fridge ;)

I am eating smoked norwegian salmon

Just finished traditional Thanksgiving dinner at my favorite restaurant -- Fisher's in Belleville, Illinois. They put on a huge buffet-style spread at Thanksgiving, and for only $20.00USD per head it's a lot easier than cooking it myself and doing cleanup afterwards.

I wish buffets were in Fiji :/

Had some frites and as drink, a can of beer.

Had Chicken Chowmein

mint chocolate chip ice cream w/ chocolate fudge brownies ice cream mix :D

Corn flakes for breakfast and mostly salads for lounch

Coke and donuts. What a breakfast. XD

Lasagna Bolognese with a glass of fine California Merlot.

Samosa :-)

Just lemon & water ;D

Chocolate pudding. Thank God I have fast metabolism.

french fry with coke.

Long time ago experience! Went to McDonalds.

Three stale Christmas cookies from Aunt Edna and a glass of Florida orange juice.

Eating ginger... yep, i said it...

Eating ginger? Trying to become a gingerbread man?
I like candied ginger, cut into small pieces and sprinkled over fresh strawberries.

a ciniman raisin bagel

Eating ginger? Trying to become a gingerbread man?

Yeah, that was how it was when i was younger... the football coach recommended me eating it right before games (maybe 2-3 hours before). now i just eat it as if it were an apple :D (i eat maybe maybe a large table spoon worth of ginger a week...(only during football season and track season))

Spaghetti bolognese which my favourite.

Ginger? Lucky girl.

Eating ginger? Trying to become a gingerbread man?

That's a staple in our house. Especially in tea.

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