since i'm just a newbie here..

help me pls, in putting an avatar on my profile.

the image was always unsaved..:(

Hi...Welcome to Daniweb Friend :)
are you tried to use animated picture? if yes, you didn't allowed to used it or your size of picture more big then require pic..

Edward is having the same problem. The avatar is not animated and meets the size restrictions. I thought it was because Ed didn't have enough posts, but I'm not sure anymore.

Glad to have you with us!

I am new too ; was able to upload an avatar but not able to upload a picture. The size of the gif file I am attempting is small enough but will not be saved. Any thoughts?

Unable to save a file in the file system? I think this might be a result of a change we made after we were hacked.

I received a post from Sarunsen who said:Make size for a picture is i think 1Mb tops. Upload it to a site like Photobucket, then link to it could also work.
I attempted to upload to Photobucket but when i attemtempted to upload to this site I was told the file was invalid or some such.

> Radical Edward: any relation?
Same Edward. :)

Does Edward always talk about Edward in the 3rd person?

commented: I believe Edward does indeed do this. +14

Not always. Edward tries to consistently switch between 3rd and 1st person as a linguistic challenge.

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