TechTalkGal -> What an amazing design! Now lets get the posts goin.. and lets get some new users! This could get very big if we play it right....

I hope so! What we need now are tutorials and reviews. So, please, people! If you can write *anyting* please just send it off to ... thanx dudes and dudettes.

... this goes for registry tweaks, etc. :)

Hey, ppl. I'm really sorry ... in the whole redoing of the forums, I accidently forgot the name of the two cookies I used to remember your username and password ... so you have to log in again. :(

Proud of myself though - I actually managed to save all of the messages!

Alpha, if you are still having problems, IM me on AIM and I can just give you a new password.

Everything works... thx anywayz, just forgot it

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