This is a continuation of a discussion from another thread (it was off topic there):
While I firmly believe that the dealings with "give me UR Codez" questions would absolutely lead to the type of responses given, there was no request for code, but a specific request for theoretical information... to wit, "...the purpose of the "public" and "private" options of a class." This isn't a request for how to implement, but why one would choose to do so.
My online history (for reference) - BBS and newsgroup discussions before the public interest in the internet was realized... Created one of the first web firms in MN to try to monetize this new "Web" thing (failed in our market as no one believed the general public would have enough access to the internet for it to pay - dangit!). Watched the net change from a place for a free exchange of information where trolls were ignored and flamewars successfully navigated past, to an abstraction of all the evils anonymity could provide.
I am a moderator on 2 filmmaking forums where I've resided and kept the peace for the past 5 years. I've specifically addressed the issue of the tenor of the responses with many of our more senior members (in addition to reminding them of their first interactions on these fora and the naivete with which they asked questions) to remind them that it's better for the community to nudge people toward better questioning than beat them off with a stick if they ask questions in a greedy and annoying way.
Perusing this forum shows a wealth of posts with great technical answers (and the obligatory Internet beatings as well), but members with nearly 4000 posts should be a bit more approachable by neophytes to encourage their interaction on this site and fuel the next generation of members who are here to perpetuate that same type of interaction.
I understand that I'm new to this site, but I've been participating in the Internet since I had a FIDONET address. While I may not know this specific boards denizens, I've read the FAQ, I've read the Welcome and they don't framass with the first thread I happened across here. If the poster with the "You're lazy" LMGTFY link had been a newbie, I wouldn't be as critical and probably wouldn't have been raised the defensive nature of the other member I've been talking with... but it was, and that was my first impression of the site. Had I not been in charge of dealing with these types of responses on other fora, I'd never have pointed it out as a problem, and it wouldn't be known about in order to have the possibility of fixing it.
This is a great forum. My first impressions were not good.