My professor requires us to work on R

ough coding (by hand on paper) and Flowchart prior to any programming. My question is, as thing gets more & more complicate, before I write a long program is there possible way that I can post my flowchart here for suggestions? I think this is the best practice I don't want to skip, without it I found myself get tangle up with coding. Thanks for any effort.

You can certainly ask questions about flowcharting. The best place would probably be the Computer Science forum.

I once worked at a place where we were told we'd have to go back and flowchart all our old software. Over 100 applications and 10's of millions of lines of code. Most of the flowcharts ended up looking like this:

Start -> Read Input Data -> Process Data -> Write Output Data -> End

Since we now had flowcharts, the bosses were happy.

Perfect. I'll try. Thanks

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