Member Avatar for LastMitch

I realized something just now. A few months ago. I post a question regarding about stats and I think Dani mention she has no intention of doing this at all. Even the Gravatar was done within a few minutes last night. What is the benefit of having this now? For 10 years nothing even come close to this design. I'm just curious why the change of heart? I feel changing for you takes time but it seems you handle it very well.

I attached a image of what Dani did:


I don't know why she did it but i do like the feature. Though i don't understand why the views doesn't work properly (i think) because some of my posts show have 0 views even though there was about 20+ contributions...

Member Avatar for LastMitch

I don't know why she did it but i do like the feature.

I like it too. I'm not complaining. I think it's very good to have it. It looks simple but it's alot of work. I hope she can finish it up.

Though i don't understand why the views doesn't work properly (i think) because some of my posts show have 0 views even though there was about 20+ contributions...

17 people view this thread and only 1 person post. This is nice. It show how my post is not up to par compare to other members. Something I need to improve.

I shouldn't have post pritaeas thread because I figure it would be a good example how a tutorial looks and it's more organzied than my threads.

I don't have a clue how this system works.

I don't know why she did it but i do like the feature.

Why, you ask? Because I aim to please. :)

Though i don't understand why the views doesn't work properly (i think) because some of my posts show have 0 views even though there was about 20+ contributions...

We weren't tracking views all this time, so the counter reset itself as of today.

commented: you pleased us well :) +0

We weren't tracking views all this time, so the counter reset itself as of today.

I at first thought it was daily views...

On first look it looks like part of the post. In my opinion instead of just seperating it with dotted line there should be something different to separate it from post.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

We weren't tracking views all this time, so the counter reset itself as of today.

So from now on. Everyday the counter reset itself?

No, Michael just thought that because the views counts were so low. In reality, they just started counting yesterday so that's why they're low, but from now on, they won't reset.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

No, Michael just thought that because the views counts were so low. In reality, they just started counting yesterday so that's why they're low, but from now on, they won't reset.

Oh, OK. Sorry. I got confused. You know you should at least take the a few days off just to recuperate.

@Dani, okay that is great :)

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