So, I've opened DW's main page this morning, and I see this:
Is this the normal way? Or have I been gone that long...

It just changed a few hours ago. I added the ability to start a discussion thread right from the homepage. What do you think?

Interresting, and it would be great I guess, for the newcomers, to actually post in the right forum, since it's easier to choose from the drop-down column. Hope it won't be a spam spree thing.

I like it Dani. Nice and simple way to get around the 'how do I post' questions that sometimes gets asked, and at the same time to plant the seed of posting something with members. Can't see that it will create more spam to be honest, those who come to spam do so with or without such a thing.

Incidentally, did you happen to use the new feature to ask this question? :)

Ah, no. I went straight to the community tab (old habits?!).

Oh poo :-P

I just used it to post something in the Geeks' Lounge. Worked a treat, and is a boon to workflow. Nice!

Well, it may come in handy one day though... :D

Does this default to the community center? If so, it will introduce a lot of threads that need to be moved.

It doesn't automatically post by default to the community center. But if you don't specify a forum, it brings you to the full-page new article page where the dropdown defaults to the community center, along with the message to be sure to post in the right place. Otherwise, if everything is valid, it just automatically posts and bypasses the new article page.

along with the message to be sure to post in the right place

LOL, yes and it will be ignored by all...

Hey, it's worth a shot :)

It's a good idea but I think it obstructs the content a bit, potentially causing some old posts to go unnoticed. That's the only real negative thing about it, otherwise great addition!

The other thing about it is I am hoping that the wording "Start a new community discussion" will be attractive to people who want to be a part of the community and just start random discussions with the community about tech stuff, as opposed to people coming to the site ONLY when they have a strict Q&A question. In other words, I'm trying to play up our advantage over Stack Overflow.

Question for you NardCake: Do you often visit the homepage as your starting point on DaniWeb?

Rather than defaulting to the community center, I think it would be better to alert the user that choosing a forum is required to post a new article.

So far it hasn't been a problem (not a single thread got through posted to the Community Center) and I'd rather go with the path of least resistance to streamline the process as much as possible. If I can avoid even one extra alert I want to try to.

Answer for Dani: Yes I do often visit the homepage as the starting point on Daniweb. I like to browse the new content, see if there is anything I'm interested in or could possibly help with. After I do that I like to visit sections that I could potentially help in, then I normally take a glance in the community center.

Have you ever checked out the links in the bottom purple toolbar?

not a single thread got through posted to the Community Center

;) Because I moved them, but I agree on letting them through.

Oh, you did?! How many were there?

A handful so far, 4 or 5.

Given the choice between making the experience for new members worse, and asking mods to move a few threads every now and then from a well defined and consistent drop location, I'd favor the latter. The Community Center is a good spot too, because regardless of our individual favorite forums, I think most (if not all) moderators frequent the Community Center and will see these rogue threads.

commented: Exactly. +0

WOW I've actually never noticed that was really there or what it was! I honestly think I'm not the only one that hasn't either.

In chrome in mac, the last ·List element falls beside the text box, which makes it look more "cluttery" 3135564bf20ad673aadba22dd20678a2

WOW I've actually never noticed that was really there or what it was! I honestly think I'm not the only one that hasn't either.

That's because it was just added yesterday.

In chrome in mac, the last ·List element falls beside the text box, which makes it look more "cluttery"

Ugh, really? I already had to get rid of Attachments, Undo and Redo. I guess I can get rid of Quote because it doesn't really make sense to be Quoting someone from the homepage.

Nichito, I think you might be zoomed out because I'm not experiencing that problem in either Chrome or Safari on my mac. Regardless, I'll remove the Quote button anyways because it doesn't make sense.

Look at this please.
Are you talking about the purple bar or the grey bar on the bottom?

I'm talking about the purple bar at the bottom that offers quick links to Recently Updated Articles, Recommended, Unanswered, etc.

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