We have a new layout. Should you encounter a layout issue, or just want to add your opinion... do so here. If there's some issue, do inform uus of your OS and browser, and optionally an annotated screenshot.

If you find reproducable bugs, please use this thread.

I have a couple issues with the current layout.

1) Small version
When the browser is in maximized mode all of these issues are gone, however I always have my browser snapped to one side of the screen. When it is like this I lose access to "Last Updated by" and the dropdown menus, and other nice stylistic things. I think that there should be at least an option to get these back, even when the window isn't maximized.

2) A serious lack of unity
Some things have rounded edges, others are square. There are too many colours. Basically everything is cluttered. A bit of polish and tidying up will help.


What size is your screen resolution?

The dropdown menus go away if your screen is too small to fit the top navigation bar all on line line.

I like the new layout, but I like change in general. It has a fresh look and feel, and definately gives the appearence less forum and more social it that makes sense.

one comment...

Not sure if this happended to anyone else, but it took about a minute to figure out that the icon "read" meant that i had already read the thread, not that I should read the thread.

I like the "new" icon because that lets me know that I havent gotton to that thread. But with all of the read, new, me icons, it seems a little busy?

I like the look too and change doesn't bother me either. Keep up the fantastic work Dani.

Yeah, "read" is in the past tense. Stupid English language. I was also even more confused with the "read" and "me" put together, for obvious reasons.

I agree that the new layout is a little bit cluttered. And as far as style harmony goes, it seems the main thing that detones from the rest is the header (the top purple bar). I could simply be squashed a bit (i.e., reduce the thickness of it to take up less room).

After all these years and Dani finally found the floral button ,lol

have never liked chat forums since Yahoo chat in the 90's
i don't mind change so i guess i'll get use to it

Now that I see it on a bigger screen the layout is growing on me. Just a comment, not sure whether to put in bugs or here, but ads underneath the transparent banner at the top come to front if you mouse over them, so it is hard to get at the menus. I'm honestly not sure if the transparent banner is worth it. It is a major contributor to the cluttered feel of the site right now. Granted it turns opaque when you mouse over it, but leaving it opaque all the time would look nicer IMO.

Member Avatar for diafol

squares or rounded notboth

still a nightmare in mobile when resizing loads of overlaps and nav and footer combine to lock you behind a letterbox in landscape view - htc, sensation, firefox

One thing I don't like/agree with is this:


1) It seems like a popularity constest. I'm all of recognising peoples achievements in this way but, really, really?

2) What's to stop someone looking at a particular forum, seeing who is the most active / experienced and then them annoying them via PM's in a hope their question would get a reply sooner.

Just food for thought :)

Member Avatar for iamthwee

squares or rounded notboth

still a nightmare in mobile when resizing loads of overlaps and nav and footer combine to lock you behind a letterbox in landscape view - htc, sensation, firefox

DW was never mobile friendly right?

@Phorce those images of the top members were there before the change anyway.

commented: I never noticed it ;) +0

One thing I don't like/agree with is this:

Funny, cause the two things that I don't agree with in that picture are that:

(1) C++ is not an OOP language!! (it's a multi-paradigm language)
(2) I have 29 C++ endorsements, not 27, and I should be in front of AD, cause he has 28.

1) It seems like a popularity constest.

It is.

2) What's to stop someone looking at a particular forum, seeing who is the most active / experienced and then them annoying them via PM's in a hope their question would get a reply sooner.

The last time I checked, the PM inbox has a "delete" button.

@iamthwee - Were they? I never ever noticed them ha!

What's to stop someone looking at a particular forum, seeing who is the most active / experienced and then them annoying them via PM's in a hope their question would get a reply sooner.

Because you need to have at least a couple posts under your belt and be a member for a length of time before you can send private messages or chat in the chatroom, so the presumption is that those features are limited to real community members interacting with other real community members, and not one-post wonders.

I just accessed the site from a PC where I havent logged in before. Just me "Fred". Nice job on the homepage Dani. I think the page works well.

I used to be a fan of this site, when I first joined. But, switched to Stackoverflow and never looked back. It is good to see, the new layouts. I'm not sure, if this has been recently or not. One, of the most SUPER annoying this in this site, is the ads. I am not saying remove the adds, but whenever I move my mouse, and hover of one of the ads, the screen becomes dark to highlight the ads, which... when it happends over, and over again, is quite annoying and borderline depressing. The second, thing is that: the logo panel, the menu and the footer menu (3/4) sections of the layout consume about 25% of the site, leaving 1/4 of the content/body of the layout making it small.

Aside from those, with little more time/effort daniweb will flip the cards again.

I wish you all good chance.

I used to be a fan of this site, when I first joined. But, switched to Stackoverflow and never looked back.

Aww, sorry to hear that. You should check out this thread: http://www.daniweb.com/internet-marketing/search-engine-optimization/news/459242/stackoverflow-stole-all-our-search-traffic

One, of the most SUPER annoying this in this site, is the ads. I am not saying remove the adds, but whenever I move my mouse, and hover of one of the ads, the screen becomes dark to highlight the ads, which... when it happends over, and over again, is quite annoying and borderline depressing.

A change was made recently so that you have to hover your mouse over the ads for a time period before this happens, so if you just move your mouse around normally you should be unaffected. Regardless, you can always go into your member profile and disable advertising completely.

Aside from those, with little more time/effort daniweb will flip the cards again.

Care to give any pointers/suggestions about what you like so much more about SO? :) Constructive criticism much welcomed.

Wow, loving this. Thanks for the reply, I like it that you took the time to explain, and accept feedback, it shows dedication and professionalism.

Well, Sorry about the SE incident, I am reading the full article now, second, job well done on the irritating add problem, I just noticed. Whoever came with the lame (sorry) idea to begine with, should probably stay away from decision making second time around. It was horrible idea.

Last thing I like about SO, is that the minimalistic approach. Everything from the layout, down to the choice of fonts is very simple, clean.

If I was the owner of <DANIWEB>, first I would kiss myself on the check for your recent really, awesome changes, second I would minimize, the second navigation bar, to be smaller, or not allow it to be fixed and scroll with the site as it does, and I would remove the footer completely!! The entire footer, could be encapsulated in a small "Your Profiles" link at the top, that re-directes users to a full profile page, rather than add a cluttring effect to the whole site. Like I said, to me the whole site seems small, because the upper/footer menus are fixed and take so much time. There is no such thing in SO, Quora, bytes or digitalforum. It slightly adds a depressing factor to people not used smaller content area.

But, that is me. Just 1 person's opinion.

I'm sure you will do the best. competition breeds innovation.

If you care to hear one more comment, the Related Articles section takes up almost a third the width of my screen. This means that more code lines get wrapped. Would it be possible to add a gadget (like on Google Maps) that would collapse the Related Articles pael?

I don't know if it is me but i enjoy the new layout. It seems very unique and quite modern.

Another great change to this site :)

I don't know why but this site now reminds me of a purple microsoft site...

I liked it so much I had to Tweet, Facebook, and LinkedIn share it!

commented: Haha thanks!! :) +0
commented: Its that good... +0

Whoever came with the lame (sorry) idea to begine with, should probably stay away from decision making second time around. It was horrible idea.

Unfortunately that was my idea, and it really did ad to the ad performance big time, which is great. But I'm semi-regretting the decision but now we have all of our advertisers wanting it and it's the first time in a looong time we've been sold out for this long, so ... eh ... I increased the delay and we'll see how it goes. It's all about finding a happy compromise I think.

By any chance is there a way to switch versions of the site? I don't if it is me but i think some people may look the old layout better. I am personally gonna stick with the new one. :)

When the browser is in maximized mode all of these issues are gone, however I always have my browser snapped to one side of the screen.

This is what happens when you design on dual 30" monitors.

When it is like this I lose access to "Last Updated by" and the dropdown menus, and other nice stylistic things.

Don't you think it's nice that it doesn't make things too squishy but instead removes the less important elements as you make your screen narrower?

DaniWeb was designed for a full screen resolution of at least 1024x768, which I think is very reasonable for desktops and laptops in 2013. It looks perfectly nice on my iPhone and iPad Mini but I don't have any access to any other mobile devices.

I'll be going on vacation for a long weekend, but I'll be back Monday in order to start working on spiffying things up and working towards a less cluttered interface.

If you care to hear one more comment, the Related Articles section takes up almost a third the width of my screen. This means that more code lines get wrapped. Would it be possible to add a gadget (like on Google Maps) that would collapse the Related Articles pael?

There currently are no plans for this because, well, this is where our advertising is :) And I think a 300x250 width sidebar is very reasonable. I did try playing around with moving the user information above the post instead of to the left with the specific purpose of optimizing the actual post message real estate. However, after doing it, it ended up actually causing less efficient use of white space and requiring more scrolling than when the user information was on the left. Therefore, I decided to keep the user information above the post just for the first post in the thread. Usually it's the OP that has the biggest code snippet, etc. when asking for help, and therefore I wanted to give it the most amount of real estate.

By any chance is there a way to switch versions of the site? I don't if it is me but i think some people may look the old layout better. I am personally gonna stick with the new one. :)

No, this is our future, although there will be many, many changes along the way! Absolutely nothing is ever set in stone.

I personally love the new layout! It's very modern, clean and just beautiful. It was a pleasent surprise when I visited.

The only criticism I have is that I don't feel the top of the site (navigation and such) doesn't really match the rest of the site. I think it needs a few changes myself but it could just be me.

Most importantly it's a great upgrade.

I very much like the new design. Clean and fresh. Nice. I like how my avatar fits nicely into the circular avatar windows better than a lot of people's, for example where the endorsements are shown at the top of a forum ^_^

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