Dani: I've started getting duplicate notifications by email. I forwarded them to your regular email address.

Thanks ... I'll reach out to James #1, but I believe he's feeling under the weather right now.

Oh, and also, would you be able to provide the email headers for the duplicates?

I just checked my Sent folder and the headers were included. At least the headers I see in Outlook when I select View Header.

It sounds like James got the Christmas flu. I'm just getting over it myself. The flu shot I got in October was completely useless.

Just checked the mail server we aren't sending any duplicate message id's, which means something else is going on specific to your account.

Edit: I'm only showing unique messages leaving our mailserver, are you getting duplicates from any place other than DaniWeb?

I have disabled all Outlook rules to see if that is causing false duplicates.

My next notice came only once so it seems it was an Outlook problem.

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