
As you may know already, if you've visited the PHP section, certain users ask certain questions over and over; repeating themselves and not learning a single thing.

I'd love it if DaniWeb could start silencing these users if they ask the same question more than once and don't listen. There's one user that I won't mention that constantly asks the same questions and is on just about every page of the PHP section and claims to be a "Web Developer" (I'll let you find this user yourself).

If this cannot be added, I'd really love an ignore list so that I can ignore these users.

Hopefully something can get done; a few of us would make good use of this feature.

Almost as annoying are users who ask questions that are easily answered via search.

Unfortunately, like in the real world, we cannot censor or ban people just because they have a thick skull. ;)

But if a user has a habit of high-jacking other people's threads to ask his own repetitive questions, then that would be something we could warn or even infract about. That would fall under the "keep it organized" rule.

We can't really do anything about someone who just doesn't get it, or makes no effort to understand or learn. The way I deal with this is that if I feel that I've given a sufficient answer and the OP is being thick or ungrateful, I just stop responding.

commented: +1 +0
Member Avatar for diafol

I think I know to whom you're referring. I agree with Mike - stop responding. He's a right PITA and makes his living from leeching. He posts 3 new threads at a time, never thanks the contributors and buggers off once he gets a full solution. A few weeks later he's back again with the same old errors, similar questions and seemingly having learnt a thing since the time before. If I could ban somebody without specifically breaking any rules, it would be him. Absolute joke. As it happens, if you don't wish to see his threads, if it winds you up that much, create a Greasemonkey script or a Chrome extension (or similar) to hide all threads from our friend from Indonesia.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I must admit the language barrier is something to consider. I mean - I wouldn't fancy my chances if said framework I was using was written in indonesian, but that being said I agree with the above points.

Nothing seems to ever have sunk in. Is he a serious web developer, maybe just maybe, that kinda scares me.

Certain users make cancerous posts; why aren't they banned for low quality posts? At least make this possible:

if ($user !== <the user everyone knows we're talking about> || $user == $poster) {
    // show post


Just ignore his posts.

@pritaeas It's so hard though; he's on every page. lol

Member Avatar for diafol

It may be a point to stop responding as sharp comments may lead to a feeling of being targetted - not something that we would wish on any long-term member on Daniweb. He hasn't broken any rules after all and deserves to be ignored rather than being blasted.

Message everyone on DaniWeb except him and tell them to ignore him. xD Just kidding.

Maybe he could get a notice/warning from a moderator for low quality content? Like, tell him to RTFM, then Google, then ask if all else fails. His questions are, well, crappy.

Just ignore his posts.

It's like driving by a car accident and trying not to look. You know it will be bad, but you really want to see how bad. Or like listening to Trump to see if he could possibly top the last stupid comment.

Member Avatar for diafol

Maybe he could get a notice/warning from a moderator for low quality content? Like, tell him to RTFM, then Google, then ask if all else fails. His questions are, well, crappy.

Well, again there's no rule against it, and the questions are valid ones in any other context. It's only the fact that he's repeating mistakes that's infuriating. I believe a number of us have made a few pointed remarks about the quality of the OPs in the threads themselves. Further to this, the threads may actually go and help other perusers if they elicit quality responses. So ignoring is best. Besides he seems to ignore any negative comments anyhow, which leads the contributor making the negative remarks seem a little cruel.

But if there's already an answer, why should we re-answer with the same messages? Plus, if I were to bump into a question from the user in question (if I were a noob, too) — I would be very annoyed.

Member Avatar for diafol

That's the point. Don't "re-answer".

But many do. I just leave a negative rating on their posts.

Member Avatar for diafol

As I mentioned earlier, if you want to hide a memebr from your favourite forum, you could use this Tampermonkey script:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Hide Nemesis
// @namespace    http://your.homepage/
// @version      0.1
// @description  Hide User OP from Thread Listings 
// @author       diafol
// @match        https://www.daniweb.com/web-development/31
// @grant        none
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==


Change xxxxxxxxxxx to the name of the member - but use the slugified name - see what this is from looking at page source. So to hide my opening threads:

commented: k +0

I updated your code and did this:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Hide the 'D'
// @namespace    https://matrixdevuk.pw/
// @version      1337
// @description  Hides cancer from DaniWeb.
// @author       matrixdevuk, diafol
// @match        https://www.daniweb.com/*
// @grant        none
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

    if ($(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().hasClass("thread")) {


Member Avatar for diafol

He he. Whatever, knock yourself out. Now you're free to browse without being annoyed.

commented: You are Jesus. +0
Member Avatar for diafol

Couldn't that make the continuity of some of the threads a little weird?

Only if the leech started contributing, but I was using this just on the forum thread listing not the actual thread posts.

I run the occasional TM script on DW, but that won't be one of them.

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