I can't really understand how some people are thinking , the are inexperienced ok but what do they think ? . This thread has nothing to do with me , just reading a thread from a person that is here seven years in PHP community and still don't understand what an array is , and a well know member for replying. Some people treat other that helps as servants , as this is what we have to do. They don't care if we do it to pass the knowledge in the community and have no other gain other than that. Maybe they think that we are paid to provide answers. The “Donate $1 or more to DaniWeb and receive better, quicker replies” message is not helping. We are not here to take a dollar or two , the hours I spent in DaniWeb are priceless (if I would a price on those , I wouldn't do it , but if I had to is something that couldn't be afforded). I haven't took any money from answering questions and I would like that to be clear to people asking , I am here to help as I have helped from the programmers community in general in the past.

Are you referring to rude replies from the people you are trying to help, or rude replies by people other than the people posting the questions?

I am referring to the notion that “you have to reply” … that some people have while asking . More over the notion that is something paid (even if they don't) made them believe that we are obliterated to answers. If anyone thing that we “have to” go along with their contribution to daniweb community is making my need to help others non important. e.g. https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/threads/500413/how-to-remove-duplicate-numbers-from-array and there is others than that.

we aren't here to answer questions and take money , if a person asking treat us that way is insulting (Donate $1 or more to DaniWeb and receive better, quicker replies).

hey i am new in this forum site

Hello lambsshines and welcome. I am referring to very few people that are posting questions in such way (as if they didn't understood what DaniWeb is about) , just guessing why they might misunderstood. One idea would be to have back the “Read this before posting” thread in top of each category.

Unfortunately it seems that very few people actually read the Read this before posting post, let alone the forum rules (which seem to have disappeared. Hmmmm). I can't speak for others, but when I see a post with a poorly worded title (like HELP or URGENT) or a question with little or no details I usually just ignore it. A rude posting gets a downvote and a very rude posting gets deleted with an infraction.

One idea would be to have back the "Read this before posting" thread in top of each category.

We determined after many years that no one read that :(

let alone the forum rules (which seem to have disappeared.

They have been incorporated into the Terms of Service, which makes sense. Click on the ToS button at the bottom of the page, then there's a link to the rules in the second para of the page that opens up.

Here's the direct one: https://www.daniweb.com/community/rules

I just think that it's a tad unfair to tell people after the fact to read the rules when they are buried in the TOS. At least when there was a direct link labeled Rules there was something to throw back at them.

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The issue with ungrateful / rude posters is that they leave a bad smell. I'd like an SO type solution: "Thread closed due to ..." with options from:

  • the poster being a complete pillock

Well, I suppose that pretty much covers all the options :)

Some posters are rude because they don't know any better. For instance they grew up in a home/society where everything was handed to them.

My solution, give them an answer that needs work.

My story is about helping someone change a tire. I grew up where folk pitch in and help so out on the country road someone with a flat. It's slow going so they waved and we pulled over. Now I don't mind helping but once they showed where the tire, jack and lug wrench was they had the gall to go sit in the car to wait. No they were not infirm and on top of that they wanted the flat tire and tools put away proper.

Some people. In spite of that, I'll still pitch in. My buddy and I could not believe it.

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