shows me this a duplicate of my recent post.

Ouch. The ability to share images looks broken too!

OK so it looks like there are two things at play here.

Firstly, it looks like you accidentally double posted, which is the same thing that the member here did. Did you double click the submit button?

Secondly, I'm not sure what you mean by the abiilty to share images is broken. I just posted with an image. What error message are you getting?

Did you double click the submit button?

I didn't. Now if the mouse button is getting old, well that could happen but it was not intentional.

Trying another image.

If this is reproducable, it would be great if you could give me the full error message.

Use Chrome DevTools (or Firefox Developer Tools, Safari, Edge, etc.)

I just had surgery yesterday and am filled up with anesthesia and as groggy as hell, so I can't really describe how to do this if you don't already know.

Sorry Dani. I see no error message and since I can't post images here I'll put something up on a YouTube later.


That one works but a dozen others no longer work. Something's up or down.

Please email me the images that didn’t work. Thanks!!

Email address provided on contact us page.

commented: Done. Just two since well, don't want to clog up the works. +0

Sorry about that. Something weird was going on and PHP had to be restarted.


commented: Thanks. Also "Tee-hee!" +0
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