As you can see here, we get lots of new members signing up every day, but nearly no one posts. This has been true for decades and decades now. Anyone care to hypothesize why all these people sign up if not to contribute? #Lurker

Spammers? Perhaps auto-deleted?

I can confirm that's not happening. I can confirm they're just signing up and then leaving, and can also confirm they're not bots. There can't be that many people creating sleeper accounts for future spam attacks, so I'm ruling that out too. Plus, it's always been this way.

@Dani: by looking at the table (Location column) from link you have posted, it gets more & more obvious they are spammers from India.

Btw fun-fact: Lurker? You mean that pro-russian trollfarm basically?

Yes, I will have to agree with you that we get a lot of potential spammer-types signing up. However, no one is posting, spam or otherwise.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary: A lurker is:

Lurk*er (noun)
a person who reads messages on an Internet discussion forum or social media platform but does not contribute

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