Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum and excited to be here. I've been exploring digital marketing for a while and would love to learn from all of you. What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced in digital marketing, and how did you overcome them?

Looking forward to the discussion!

benjaminlee1128 commented: Hello, ASubhan. +0

Hello and welcome to DaniWeb!!

To answer your question ... Hmm, let me think about this a moment. I would say that the biggest challenge I've ever faced in digital marketing, hands down, has been with digital PR. It's just not something I have a lot of experience with, and, early on, it's the reason we lost out to Stack Overflow. As far as how I overcame it: Well, quite simply, I didn't. However, what I can do is give you the story of how Stack Overflow did it right.


Read all these replies, a lot of the story is pretty interesting!

welcome ASubhan. I would have to agree with Dani. PR is the hardest part because it calls on your ability to quickly read a room or a person. and you only get ONE shot at it. To overcome this? it should begin with asking yourself what do YOU expect out of this product? what do YOU expect from the company should a problem arise? and then? see if you can sell yourself on your product (honestly) or if maybe it needs to go back to the creation table. It is important to start with a GOOD reputation as starting off on the wrong foot takes only a second to do and many years, if ever to undo.

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