Merry Christmas Eve to everyone! Let’s take a moment to spread dnkiness and joy to those around us. Whether it’s sharing a smile, helping a neighbor, or just enjoying time with family, let’s make this night special. What are your plans for tonight? 🎁✨

kbfashiondxb commented: merry christmas +0

Putting on our traditional Christmas Eve spread with family. Christmas dinner tomorrow. We long ago stopped exchanging presents as we all agreed that agonizing over gift buying just for the sake of giving a gift was pointless. We all know we love each other so just being together, eating, and playing games was sufficient. Most years we don't even put up a tree, although we do decorate to a point.

Back to the gifts - we one of is out shopping (throughout the year) and we see the perfect gift for someone we just buy it and give it then. Getting a gift when you weren't expecting one is awesome. Instead of saying "I had to buy you something so here it is", it says, "I was thinking of you so here is a gift because you are awesome."

Hay! welcome.

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