Hello everyone. My name is Ja sa bong. I'm happy to join this community. I'm a lover of movies, music, TV shows and playing video games. I'm currently playing Stray.

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The video game Stray looks interesting and is on my list for later. For now I'm watching The Expanse.

Finished Red Matter 2 on the Oculus Quest recently. It was very well done and enjoyable. The graphics were excellent.

Hello and welcome!!

My husband was really into Red Matter on the Oculus as well. Unfortunately, it gave me a bad headache after just a few minutes.

My son had the same problem so typically I'd plug in to the matrix and he would observe on my laptop using Air Receiver.

Quick plug: I bought Air Receiver through the Microsoft Store for around four dollars. Running this you can cast directly from the Oculus without having to go through the Meta servers. Naturally, casting point to point means less latency. It also means we could screen cap parts of the game so we could refer to the puzzle parts on the laptop without having to retrace our steps.

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