Hi guys,

Hope all is well, first off, happy new year to all. so here's my question, Im new to web developemnt business and a starter I guess I 'd say Im pretty lucky to start off with this project that im going to develop... anyway,

A client that I met wants a website (a clone), that similar to this "www.usbusiness-review.com". well basically, he wants pretty much the same way how it works. So Im thinking of using Joomla. but if anyone of you guys recommend anther CMS would be much appreciated. Now, any of you guys have any idea of how much should I charge him? Im located in CAnada by the way. Thanks very much for your time.


Charge him as much as you think he will pay comfortably. By this I mean don't be greedy. You want to get as much as possible but still make sure that you keep him as a client. If you are just starting you need to make sure you hang on to every client.

Dear Friend, It is really tough to estimate a Web Site's price unless you review it. The Price depends mostly on Functionality of the Website and the HR (Human Resource) Time you need to make it happen. Technology is also a factor involved. For an example Cutting edge technology like AJAX can increase the price of the same functionality higer.

I will suggest you to review the Site of your clients choice.

Check the functionalities and estimate the time you need to acquire that functionality + Design. When you got the time add some more time with it. Because you never know what would happen if anything goes wrong.

So now you got the result, Time. Derive the Money you want for spending that much time. I wish you got the equation and found the result yourself. Wish you best of luck.

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