I have 6 Static IP pool in which one static IP I put on rv016 router's wan1 port and second Static IP I put on DMZ port and Third Static IP I put on Linux server and now big time prob is what can I put in server gateway field and in the end I put DMZ port IP as a server gateway.
First time it works but when Restart my server and router then I check nothing is working now. Then switch off my router's firewall and then check then also not working. Now I don't now how can I map router's DMZ port with linux server then it can be access remotely and local network users can also access it. Plz help ASAP.

Could you draw your topology in Visio or paint so that we can solve your problem?
I personally don't understand what you've said.

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/me is dazed and confused

Ok No worries I explain u guys in detail I have one linksys router Model no RV016 in which total 16 ports. 13 Lan ports, 2 Wan ports and 1 DMZ port. I am using 1.5 MB leased line for calling purpose and running 15 to 18 system for calling in the call center. I put that internet lease line in router's wan port no 1 I got 8 static IP pool with this lease line to 87. is a network id and 81 is gateway and 87 is broadcast IP and I put this IP in router wan port no 1 now I have 4 more IP left ok now I want to configure the DMZ port for linux server because I want internal and external both users can access this server. so how can I configure the linux server on DMZ port.

I know that to configure the DMZ port we need static IP that thing I have now what's the next step to configure it.

if you have a real DMZ there, it'sd not a single IP - it's an actual range of IP addresses with their own bcast address and gateway. for the DMZ to work, they need to be public IPS reachable from the internet, probably on the same public network as your gateway.

so you connect a small switch to the DMZ port, connect the DMZ servers to it, and Bob's your uncle.

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