I was a Unix, C, C++ programmer for 17 years then got out of IT during the 2001 dot com crash (to teach Junior/High School). Teaching was/is rewarding but I want to finish my working years in IT. I've been taking some steps (updating my training, etc...) to return to IT but am wondering if my age will be a barrier. I wanted to ask you code warriors out there if you have many fifty year old programmers in your IT groups? All I know is the few interviews I've been to, the hiring managers and programmers all look very very young to me! If you were a hiring manager, would you prefer a college grad vs. an old man?!
drichird 1 Newbie Poster
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Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster
drichird 1 Newbie Poster
UrbanKhoja 89 Practically a Posting Shark Featured Poster
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