What is the download limit for BT broadband option 1? What does BT class as a download? Viewing a web-page, an actual file download, or a mix of alot of different things. What would cause someone to go over the monthly usage limit by 4Gb, other than file downloads?

Thanks in Advance

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I believe the limit is set at 5Gb, most ISP's class a download as any data you receive.

So without surfing you're looking at around 5 films. Or a couple of thousand MP3's.

Be wary as most ISP's will charge you through the nose if you go over - some have been known to be as much as £1.70 per Mb above the limit.

Also be wary of 'Unlimited' broadband - just about all UK ISP's cap their 'Unlimited' broadband; usually at around 20Gb and may charge you for going over. Check and double check the small print if you're not sure of your agreement.

Hope this helps,

Dazza :cool:

i think its 1gb a day up to a max of 30gb a month

Also be wary of 'Unlimited' broadband - just about all UK ISP's cap their 'Unlimited' broadband; usually at around 20Gb and may charge you for going over. Check and double check the small print if you're not sure of your agreement.

virgin media dont seem to care. i dowload about 90gb a week

Well BT say that it is a download limit of 5Gb per month. So 15Gb per quarter. Also is there a time limit on how long i can spend using the Broadband on this option, seeing as in my view there should not be one, with broadband being connected all the time.

5gb a month? thats ~165mb / day

a single daniweb page is 0.2mb or greater

thats like 825 daniweb pages maximum, which sucks

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

i think its 1gb a day up to a max of 30gb a monthvirgin media dont seem to care. i dowload about 90gb a week

LoL....90Gb/Week !!! :D

virgin media give me 10mb cable broadband too

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

virgin media give me 10mb cable broadband too

Why not you share your Internet Connection to us ;)

Like me :P So if i just viewed web-pages how many would i be able to look at?

5gb a month? thats ~165mb / day

a single daniweb page is 0.2mb or greater

thats like 825 daniweb pages maximum, which sucks


As an average, not just daniweb :P Even though Daniweb is a brilliant site, i don't just spend my time here. Also 0.2Mb is a bit big for a web-page isn't it?
Also while i'm on a question spree, what about msn? How does that fit in? Is it a download to receive messages?

yes it is

assuming its ascii (1byte/8bits a char) then you can have millions of words worth

i say virgin media is pretty good for broadband but their customer service is one of the worst u ll ever have, as long as u dont have to deal with them its all plain sailing.

yeah i agree

i was on tech support to india for like 4 hours, trying to get a new modem.

Man that was nothing, I got my account cancelled because the guys upstairs moved out and asked for theirs to be cancelled and they cut off my s**t. Then to open another account i had to go thru friggin credit checks and all sorts, must have spent about 7+ hrs on the phone from one dept to another. And their tech support for broadband is not a 090 number as well which is another damn rip off. Hate these premium rate numbers whether 084, 087, 090 etc. I use saynotot0870.com to try findin out a normal or freefone no to these scammers.


i have a list of there tech support numbers, and for other tech related companies, with the cheat codes to skip the automated part and go straight to a person

how did u manage to get those??? i d love to have em if u dont mind a bit of social service?


cant give them to you, they belong to my work

o well never mind, was worth a try

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