who thinks bill is evil, at the title put a thumbs up if u agree, if not put thunbs down when u reply.


I'm almost regretful that I have to move this thread. But, since you don't have an actual question about Windows, I'm moving this to the Geek's lounge.

But, I'd have my thumb stuck sideways; neither up nor down. He's probably not evil, but I could do without some of his company's marketing tactics.

Ah, yet another mindless Microsoft hater who clearly isn't aware of the issues and thinks that calling Bill Gates evil will say everything that needs to be said. Blanket statements like that just serve to indicate your idiocy and lack of awareness. But to answer the request, I have nothing against Bill Gates. He's an intelligent man and has done very well for himself. I even met him once, he's also very friendly and certainly not what I would call evil after a few minutes of chatting.

Bill is not evil. His operating system is.


As an avid Mac user, I'm repulsed by his theft of Mac's ideas and the Windows system in general. I wouldn't go so far to call him evil, he's done a lot of good things with his money.

He appears to be more interested in marketing than in producing the best possible product but his products aren't that bad and no one is forced to buy Microsoft products.

If you think BG is evil then buy alternative products for your computer such as Linux, Open Office, etc and boycott Microsoft. If enough people do that they will soon be out of business.

he could do a lot better if he were not interested in bulk money making.

GATES IS THE WORK OF THE DEVIL! I think thats the kind of response you were looking for.

of course billgates is evil, All that money and he wont even give me a million hehe.

"Um, Well, I don't want to rule the ENTIRE world, Just your half as well as mine."

Well i dont like the idea of shitting in the bowl from which I take my food. Microsoft is an everyday part of my life and it's because of them old grannies, grandpas, little nickies can actually do something with the mystery thing named "computer".

Well i dont like the idea of shitting in the bowl from which I take my food. Microsoft is an everyday part of my life and it's because of them old grannies, grandpas, little nickies can actually do something with the mystery thing named "computer".

Spot on! Most perceptive comment in the topic to date. Windows has flaws, admittdly, and a few of them are quite fundamental ones. But as much as some silly people might want to waffle on about the joys of other OS's, I haven't seen another one yet with which my old Dad can happily sit in his bungalow sending and reading mail, reading up on historical issues via the internet and researching medical problems, railway schedules and policy changes related to household accounts etc etc. Nor could another one see my grandson sitting down to a session of Jedi Knight or whatever, having fired up the system himself and reloaded his last saved game, or my wife sit down and start creating Birthday cards from family snapshots, all on the same system.

Windows was created for all that, and if it's made Billy mega-rich then bully for him. He's done a damn good job so far, and it's really only the need to stay 'legacy compatible' that stops things from progressing more rapidly and the faults overcome quickly. The marketplace controls him as much as he controls it, and possibly more!

Thumbs down. Bill Gates is definetly not the devil. Sure a lot of people say he makes crap os's and software but give him a break. If he made such a horrible os then why does most of the world use his products? I would bet the creator of this thread (probably a n00b h4x0r) 10 to 1 odds he's using at least one microsoft product. Sure MS charges a lot for their products and vista is pretty buggy but I would bet you anything that If mac had as many users as windows people would be ranking on them instead of microsoft for security vulnerabilities.

the guy is great his a genius and nothing that we post will change that.in fact you cant always keep everyone happy.so let it be and relax.

I even met him once, he's also very friendly and certainly not what I would call evil after a few minutes of chatting.

you lucky fish

Mr.Gates is not GOD.......He did create an excellent few operating systems.....but did not create the people who know NOT how to use them.

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