I've been on Scriptlance for the past few days, trying to get a programmer for my plurk clone and I have noticed that a lot of the programmers bidding are from India, I thought a lot of my replies would be from the US, but my question is though, can I trust them with the project or should I wait for someone else?

I've been on Scriptlance for the past few days, trying to get a programmer for my plurk clone and I have noticed that a lot of the programmers bidding are from India, I thought a lot of my replies would be from the US, but my question is though, can I trust them with the project or should I wait for someone else?

Ok, I don't know much about Scriptlance but this post sounds kind of racist =/

I know of some mean programmers (from India) on Daniweb that are very knowledgeable and reliable in terms of understanding concepts, and problem solving. To trust someone or not is strictly up to your judgment - you can't simply ask others to get a solid answer.

Ok, I don't know much about Scriptlance but this post sounds kind of racist =/

I'm sorry if it does but let me clarify what I mean, I want to know if the country is technologically advanced enough to program the script that I am asking for, I don't know much about India and their technology so I was hoping someone here could tell me if they can, technologically, do the project I want. I am in no way trying to be raciest.

The phrase "if the country is technologically advanced enough to program the script that I am asking for" is completely nonsensical. What are you even talking about.

I am asking if they have the technology to program such a script or are they outdated and behind in technology. The script I am asking for is a plurk clone and plurk.com seems to be a complex site to me.

Everybody is behind on technology. Everybody in the world.

commented: I Agree with this somewhat. Technology is always advancing, and improving systems to keep up with technology is costly. Since there isn't an infinite amount of money to upgrade systems all the time, it stands to reason that everyone is behind! +3
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