My friend has a dell inspiron 8200 laptop that is very screwed up right now. My friend has no operating system or restore disks, but i have ubuntu 6.06 disk with me that i want to use. Are there drivers for the dell inspiron 8200 notebook that will work on ubuntu? Thanks for your help.

P.S. I only need the critical ones, like video, network, etc. I will try my copy of xp that i bought 5 years ago first to see if it'll work.

There is an easy way to find out. Because you're using an Ubuntu disk, you can probably boot off of it without taking the time to install it. Booting may take a few minutes but once it's up and running with your Gnome session, you can start playing with different applications to test out the stock drivers.

Proprietary drivers, such as video like Nvidia, will need to be installed manually (meaning they may not be part of the default installation).


My friend has a dell inspiron 8200 laptop that is very screwed up right now. My friend has no operating system or restore disks, but i have ubuntu 6.06 disk with me that i want to use. Are there drivers for the dell inspiron 8200 notebook that will work on ubuntu? Thanks for your help.

P.S. I only need the critical ones, like video, network, etc. I will try my copy of xp that i bought 5 years ago first to see if it'll work.

Dude, I recently installed Ubuntu 8.10 two days problem with drivers. Download adn burn to a CD or DVD and boot into CDROM. Amazingly its faster by 10-15 secs with 256 mb ram against WindowsXP pro and 3gb ram.
But as far as drivers are'll have no problem.

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