Hello People,

I m a new member doing my Final Year in Computing,i took time to hoover around most of the forums on I.T Projects.I intend to do a an on-line bus Booking system Project for a bus company.while i have i have no proper programming experience which i am much willing to learning to complete this project,id like some ideas on what Web Technologies to use which for this project e.g whether to go for php or asp dot.net etc,

As part of my research these are the few system functions that I have managed to gather from various existing online booking/reservation systems including samples from the Forum. The system should have 5 system functions and these are most of what I have managed to come up with.
System Functions:
1. View the available Trips to a particular destination.
2. Customer fills in the form i.e. Names/Contact Number/Email, Destination, Date of travel, Number of passengers.
3. Get the fare/ taxes/rules of the ticket/total price.
4. Reserve a Seat and also be able to select/change choice of seat e.g. Window or aisle (like on airline systems).
5. Credit card payment.
6. View bookings and check statuses/ changes/ print tickets or receipts.

Other functions for the administration and other staff.

Administrative Control functions:
 Create Journeys and publish schedules. Includes add destinations/ taxes/ timings etc...
 Edit journeys ( change time / cancel )
 Publish fares, Rules or Promotions.
 Edit fares and ticket rules.
 Create accounts to allow these functions.
 Generate reports from the database.

Thanks in Advance!

This project does not need any special technologies that "MUST" be used to work with. You can do it in any of the technologies mentioned in Web Development section PHP/ASP/ASP.NET/JSP/Coldfusion/Ruby, with help of database and some scripting.
Choice is your. In my experience in BSc project they look into how well you can handle technologies you been taught, can you learn something on top of it, how well you manage your project in terms of research, design, development, testing and final evaluation.

This project does not need any special technologies that "MUST" be used to work with. You can do it in any of the technologies mentioned in Web Development section PHP/ASP/ASP.NET/JSP/Coldfusion/Ruby, with help of database and some scripting.
Choice is your. In my experience in BSc project they look into how well you can handle technologies you been taught, can you learn something on top of it, how well you manage your project in terms of research, design, development, testing and final evaluation.

Thanx for the Update Man,really appreciate!im currently trying to Teach myself Dreamweaver at the most which seems to handles various Techs such as the ones mentioned above.

In my opinion you are wasting time on tool where you should be concentrating on learning technology and researching what would be your provisional requirements so you can latter finalize them in final requirements.
Dreamweaver (DW)can be easily replaced by any IDE like NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse or Visual Studio. DW can handle all previously discussed technologies, but can be tricky to setup along side of some of them...

Skip learning dreamweaver learn PHP and finish it off , when is the deadline for submitting your project assignment ?

Deadlines in about 2-3 months time.

check this site guys may help you

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