:D i went to a college before and asked them whether they are still using turbo C for programming , but according to the staff , he told me that it doesn't matter whatever version are you using , IT keeps developing every moment , what you should do is just try your best to understand what is updating nowadays and keep yourself updated with the latest development in IT ....good or bad explanation ?
PS. nice to see you both agree with each other making it the first time :P

I honestly tell you the same, Turbo c and c++ is still 100% worth for beginners. I really thankful to my professor suresh, that he taught me Turbo c and c++ is the basic thing to learn the programming techniques and really I dont know which one will give that potential for beginners. Like other said the latest version I will agree for graphical and web oriented packages. Withou the seed nothing going to be grown, just enter into the turbo c and c++ learn for sometime then you will automatically come to the new version without difficulties. I am sure bcoz I started with that and now I am using all the latest versions of every technology but that power comes from there.
Chichiro 0 Newbie Poster
I see , so according to you , turbo C is just like the basic of programming C++ , seed of a tree ...by the way , what's the actually differences between turbo C and those latest C compilers ?
Edited by Chichiro because: n/a
BestJewSinceJC 700 Posting Maven
The difference is that Turbo C has not had an update in more than a decade.
Please tell me you guys are both aliases and this is a joke. How many times do people with experience in a language have to tell you that something (TurboC) is inferior before you believe them? IMO at this point you deserve whatever crappy education you get. If you google "Turbo C" the first result says "Antique Software". Enough said. Learn how to program in something relevant.
Edited by BestJewSinceJC because: n/a
jephthah commented: yup +0

This is my last reply for this thread. Google it up you come to know everything!!!!
Chichiro 0 Newbie Poster
Ok , and thanks all for your advice and information , I will check it out , and i think i should close this thread since i have already got what i want to know ...Thanks again ! :D
jephthah 1,888 Posting Maven
This is my last reply for this thread. Google it up you come to know everything!!!!
says the guy who knows everything through Google. yeah, Turbo C. rock on, dude. :icon_rolleyes:
it's clear why you spend your time in here giving "Google advice" rather than in any structured programming language forums solving code problems .
seriously, Chichiro, you'd do well to stay away from NIIT unless you're looking for a career in telephone tech support
Edited by jephthah because: n/a
Chichiro 0 Newbie Poster
Oh , so do u have any suggestion for me where to go ? Argh...im completely confuse now ....I hope im not annoying ...
jephthah 1,888 Posting Maven
NIIT course programs are weak, their faculty is mediocre and lacking in research and scholarship. the 4 year programs keep you there for 2 years longer than you need to be, at overpriced tuition rates to jack up your bill. of course they don't care that you'll run yourself into debt with student loans... they get paid.
make no mistake, NIIT is a for-profit business. like all for-profits, they are focused their bottom line -- which is selling their product to you at the best profit margin they can manage.
meanwhile you'll be in debt and working at a call center trying to scramble your way out from the masses who are all competing against you for the better design jobs.
what kind of job you get is going to be based solely on your effort, not the overpriced and overrated 4-year tech degree from this college, when a 2 year tech degree will teach you everything you need to know to get an entry-level job in IT.
IT is not rocket science. It's not medicine. It's not even engineering. so don't waste an additional 2 years mucking around with dance classes and development of eastern philosophy in between programming "hello world" on an antiquated Turbo C compiler.
what you need to learn is how to configure network switches and splice CAT-6 ethernet cable, write shell scripts and set up a LAMP environment. et cetera. this is stuff that you will learn at any reputable local 2-year trade school / community college in your larger cities, or whatever the corresponding institution is called in your country. it will be a hell of a lot cheaper, save you time and get you in the work force doing somehthing relevant to your field.
Chichiro 0 Newbie Poster
Thanks again , and have you heard of Multimedia University from Malaysia ?
jephthah 1,888 Posting Maven
Thanks again , and have you heard of Multimedia University from Malaysia ?
MMU is a relatively young private university, but has already established a well-regarded reputation. They have large modern facilities, and they have a sizeable pool of PhDs professors who do real, funded research. Just looking at their Faculty of Engineering, I see that MMU professors, lecturers, and researchers are drawn from credible academic institutions all over the globe.
It appears to be a good choice. I would recommend anyone to attend this university instead of the for-profit diploma mill, NIIT. And as a Malaysian, you would probably feel more pride attending this school, as well.
EDIT: note, the difference between "private" and "for-profit", these are very different types of institutions. some of the best U.S. universities are private, along with many notable public ones. by far, the worst U.S. "universities" are for-profit.
Edited by jephthah because: n/a
Chichiro 0 Newbie Poster
MMU is a relatively young private university, but has already established a well-regarded reputation. They have large modern facilities, and they have a sizeable pool of PhDs professors who do real, funded research. Just looking at their Faculty of Engineering, I see that MMU professors, lecturers, and researchers are drawn from credible academic institutions all over the globe.
I know it's good and your information really helps , but I just don't know whether it is really world recognised or not ( the colleges or universities usually will only tell how good their school are and keep promoting their school , sometimes it just happens that the truth is not as good as what they are telling :( )
BestJewSinceJC 700 Posting Maven
It doesn't really matter if the school is world recognized. Get that out of your head. What you should be concerned with is whether or not your education will be "world recognized".
jephthah 1,888 Posting Maven
I know it's good and your information really helps , but I just don't know whether it is really world recognised or not ( the colleges or universities usually will only tell how good their school are and keep promoting their school , sometimes it just happens that the truth is not as good as what they are telling :( )
they have a large faculty consisting of professors, lecturers and researchers from all over the world. many PhDs from recognized universities in the US, UK, Japan and Australia. they are private, which probably means more expensive, but they are legitimate because they are a real research institution and not a "for-profit" corporation.
as to being world recognized, that's only an issue as to the accreditation. and yes, they are accredited. My concern with MMU would be that they are a young institution and will inevitably experience "growing pains". but they are recognized by international ratings organizations using international standards. If their young age is a concern, there are other universities in Malaysia that are more "traditional". any of them would be fine.
just stay away from for-profit diploma mills like NIIT.
Edited by jephthah because: n/a
jephthah 1,888 Posting Maven
just another point to consider. MMU is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning which includes major universities around the world.
if you got a BSc degree from MMU and did well (like honors grad) you could get scholarships to do grad school at most any college in the US, UK, Canada, Japan, Australia, Phillipines, etc. etc.
i'm not trying to promote this university above any others, i'm just saying it's legitimate, and you would not do bad to go there.
I'm sure there are reasons why someone might say a "traditional" university in malaysia is "better" but i don't know enough about any of them to comment.
Chichiro 0 Newbie Poster
It doesn't really matter if the school is world recognized. Get that out of your head. What you should be concerned with is whether or not your education will be "world recognized".
Yea that's what i really wanted to say , ( feeling sorry for my bad English and skill of communication ) i dont't care how the school looks like , how good is the facilities , etc.. What i want is just a good education that stands a chance to compete with foreign countries...
I'm sure there are reasons why someone might say a "traditional" university in malaysia is "better"
i think i get what you mean :D
vinaywolvi 0 Newbie Poster
I was an NIIT student started with the course three years back. To be frank, i dont see i have gained any thing by doing the course. I cannot deny the material provided by NIIT(books) have been exceptionally good but the way of teaching has been below standards. Past i experiencd a problem with one of the faculty in Niit and the center head refused to help me.
I was week in c# programming. My faculty Mr.Rakesh asked me to give me private class.
He came for 2 lectures back home and he bailed out. He said he not free as the timing does't set.
Later he refused to pay mu money back.
I am a very optmistic person but this course and the experienced faced makes me write this letter. If any one over there can make any difference please forward it to concerned person so that no other student goes through the same.
They have made education a money making business.
Vinay Shah
India_Bombay_Grant Road Branch.
Feel free to call for any feedback.
[email snipped]
Edited by Ezzaral because: Snipped email. Please keep it on site.
jephthah 1,888 Posting Maven
interesting story.
it doesnt surprise me, being they a for-profit corporation. they overcharge students and underpay faculty. all with an eye on the bottom line.
yep, that's what i look for in an education.
jwenting 1,905 duckman Team Colleague
I've no problem with them "teaching" their pupils like they do.
Reduces the overall competence level of the Indian bodyshop/outsourcing company which is good for my job security :)
Chichiro 0 Newbie Poster
vinaywolvi , thanks for telling me frankly about NIIT based on your experience , your information is greatly appreciated :D
I'm not going to deny NIIT is a for-profit education group , but I just have been wondering , based on my research on internet , I found out a few points that are quite different from the information given ...
1. I found out that it is said that about 2/3 of software engineers in India are trained by NIIT , why there are still so many people willing to be trained by NIIT ?
2. NIIT is stated as the No.1 and largest IT trainer in Asia ( some articles even state that NO.1 and largest IT trainer in world )
3. NIIT has helped IBM to train most of the IT professionals in the company . As we know , IBM is really top in the field of IT , if the standard of teaching of NIIT is not good , why such a top company will co-operate with it ?
I'm posting these facts here just to clarify my doubts , no offense...:D

For an Example, NOKIA is a good product we know, If I asked you or others they sure suggest NOKIA but go to some forums and explore about the nokia products issues, software corrupted, music player is not playing etc. What I am coming to say is, even NIIT is a good teaching institute, whoever studied in NIIT will not become software engineer. This is a fact, who knows about the person studied in NIIT about his/her presence, dedication over his/her course duration.
Not only the faculty going to give life for you in IT, materials, CDs, e-learning, module test, lab presense will get you the level of high. Whoever study in NIIT are not based on their faculties, apart from that so many things are there. What we need and concentrate on SELF LEARNING too.
Just analyse! don't blame me or others!
Edited by rajarajan2017 because: n/a
Chichiro 0 Newbie Poster
1) because the vast majority of Indians (at least the current crop, not talking about professionals who got their education in the UK and US up to about a decade ago) don't care about getting an education, all they care about is raking in the certificates without any actual effort on their part because that's what gets their resumes selected by bodyshops and sold to US firms so they can get fraudulent H1b work permits.
2) no doubt true, in volume of students. But that doesn't mean a thing for quality.
3) Seriously doubt that. Maybe they provided the majority of kids who got outsourced to IBM India for some projects, which later had to be completely redone by IBM Global Services in Europe because they completely failed due to the incompetence of the Indian staff.
Yet , another question pops out from my mind . From my research , India is the top country in IT field , especially in the field of software . And many IT companies from europe countries used to search for IT professionals from India . If India's IT staffs are so incompetitive and don't achieve that high level in IT field , why India still stand a chance in being honoured as top country in IT ? I'm sorry , but I really doubt it much , I need opinions from you all since you all have much more better experience than me ...( no offense..again :) )
jwenting 1,905 duckman Team Colleague
India is "top country" only according to India...
And then only in numbers.
When you use quality, expertise, etc. as a measure, India drops to rock bottom.
All the good Indian professionals got their education in Europe or the US and have been living there ever since.
jephthah commented: truth +0
jephthah 1,888 Posting Maven
I found out that it is said that about 2/3 of software engineers in India are trained by NIIT , why there are still so many people willing to be trained by NIIT
yeah, and about 90% of the Indian "software engineers" work as phone support techs.
NIIT is stated as the No.1 and largest IT trainer in Asia ( some articles even state that NO.1 and largest IT trainer in world )
every diploma mill loves to focus on their size and number of studets. why would you think that size is some kind of important metric? quantity does not equal quality. the reason they're so huge is that they have ZERO standards for their admissions. any high-functioning retard with a checkbook or handful of cash can get in.
NIIT has helped IBM to train most of the IT professionals in the company . As we know , IBM is really top in the field of IT , if the standard of teaching of NIIT is not good , why such a top company will co-operate with it ?
you're talking about "IBM-India". Not IBM. and the politics behind IBM offshoring half their company is a complex subject. And most of the work you're talking about involves answering questions like "why doesn't my computer turn on?" and "why am i not getting my email?"
I'm posting these facts here just to clarify my doubts , no offense
Don't confuse propaganda with facts. If you listen to the propaganda put out by for-profit universities here in the States, then The University of Phoenix is one of the most successful universities that you could go to. everyone here knows, of course, that is a joke.
you know, i've give you my honest answers. if you want to waste your money going to some for-profit indian diploma mill so you can buy a certificate that isn't worth the paper it's printed on, then get a job answering tech support questions in some call center at 4am... hey, knock yourself out.
And no offense taken. it's your career and money that's on the line. Not mine.
Edited by jephthah because: n/a
NP-complete 42 Junior Poster
First things first....I am an Indian and yet with a heavy heart I believe in most of the opinions put forward so far in this thread.
I wish more Indians read this thread and more could THINK before going in blindly for quantity over quality.
As already mentioned these for-profit institutes are all worthless. But then whats a workaround?
In my humble opinion I believe India has all the potential to be the top country (in every aspect) but alas people have stopped thinking and its high time they realize their potentials.
I somehow agree with others when they said that the good IT professionals from India are all trained in the US or UK. That's again a shame for India. Its not that we don't have potential its just that we don't accept change.
And that's the reason you find turbo C++ everywhere in India even in the top most universities !!
Finally as an advice to Chichiro, i would repeat what others have already mentioned DON'T go for these non profit institutes. Except if you are inclined towards programming I guess self studying is far more fruitful. After you have studied well and grasped the concepts clearly go for reputed certificates. For e.g. if you are learning JAVA go for SCJP or other certis from SUN/Oracle. If you are learning Dot Net go for certis from Microsoft.
This way you will not waste your money on something that has no value.
A well wisher from INDIA.
Edited by NP-complete because: n/a
maydhyam commented: Nicely put... +0
Chichiro 0 Newbie Poster
Thanks all for your valuable opinions , I really appreciate the willingness of all of you to share your opinions and experiences here . I'm glad I finally have cleared my doubts , thanks again...
Best wishes to all of you
jwenting 1,905 duckman Team Colleague
As already mentioned these for-profit institutes are all worthless. But then whats a workaround?
You are quite wrong there. For-profit doesn't mean low quality. At least in most of the world it doesn't.
But when for-profit is combined with an attitude among customers that quality is irrelevant, in this case "students" who don't want to learn a skill but only want a piece of paper stating they have it, it's a recipe for disaster.
But the same is true for a non-profit organisation offering the same services.
NP-complete 42 Junior Poster
I apologize for my loose use of the clause "for-profit". I didn't mean it that way.
As far as the second post is concerned, I beg to differ.
A country (or person) doesn't have that potential. It can at most create it.
Well said. In that case i believe India (and all countries in this world) has all the potentials to "create" the potentials to be at the top. After all, we all are human beings and geographical factors do not determine a person's potential.
If a person from country X can, then so can a person from country Y.
And India will never create that potential as long as they remain intent only on showing the world how superior they are by running diploma mills instead of universities...
Firstly, how do you relate "running diploma mills" to "showing the world how superior they are"? Secondly, who told you that India has more diploma mills that universities? There's also a third part to it but lets save that for the end.
You guys have a massive superiority complex which prevents you from ever achieving anything
Well, I don't know how many Indians you have met and if at all that no. is sufficient for you to jump to this conclusion but i have a thought...seeing your rebuttal (or should I say, racist) posts against mine that does not relate to you in particular or any country in general, i think i smell some "inferiority complex"...:)
Instead of trying to improve their own skills they try to get others to do their work for them, then claim the results as their own.
That's not true only for India. Lets take a small example. How many times did you see people here at daniweb asking for homeworks? Were they ALL (or in majority) Indians?
As a final note I would just like to say that I respect you a lot not just because you are a senior member but because I have read a few of your posts and that's what made me respect you.
Whatever you said is "generally" true and true for EVERY country, not just India
In my humble opinion, no person can be "superior" enough to determine the fate of a country. Not you, nor me nor anyone else. But that's exactly what you tried to do when you said "India can never create that potential..."
Otherwise, believe me, I (and all of India) have paid utmost attention and the well earned respect to all your advises.
Its indeed true for anyone that, to succeed, one has to overcome his overconfidence and one must treat everyone as equal. This is an universal principle and applies to India AND to every other country and its people.
Thanks and regards,
An Indian
nav33n commented: Correct. +0
vaultdweller123 commented: Very well said sir specially on the "showing the world how superior they are" there a bunch of racist and jealous people who likes to be always on top, but for me i admire indian programmers as they are naturally intellegent +0
s_sridhar 7 Junior Poster
Well guys, I am from India.. and i believe NIIT is not worth coming from Malaysia to India. But I do believe that there are better institutes in India.
nav33n 472 Purple hazed! Team Colleague Featured Poster
You guys have a massive superiority complex which prevents you from ever achieving anything, as you think you don't have to achieve anything because of that inherent superiority you think to have.
I see this in a lot of Indians. Instead of trying to improve their own skills they try to get others to do their work for them, then claim the results as their own.
Jwenting, Why is it that whenever I see a racist remark, I see your name next to it ?
1) because the vast majority of Indians (at least the current crop, not talking about professionals who got their education in the UK and US up to about a decade ago) don't care about getting an education, all they care about is raking in the certificates without any actual effort on their part because that's what gets their resumes selected by bodyshops and sold to US firms so they can get fraudulent H1b work permits.
Fail. Do you even know that there are top class universities [read IIMs, IITs, Birla Institute of Technology, etc] in India ? You don't have to go to UK or the US to get education. Though I agree that UK or US have better education system than ours, the above mentioned universities aren't doing any bad job either.
Oh, FYI, Having only the certificates will not get you a job. You should be qualified and should have what it takes [knowledge] to clear the interview. Yes, we do have interviews, sometimes, more than 5 rounds.
And India will never create that potential as long as they remain intent only on showing the world how superior they are by running diploma mills instead of universities and treating everyone else as inherently inferior.
Tellme, Do you get intimidated or threatened by Indians ? When has India ever tried to show the world they are superior ? When has it treated everyone else as inherently inferior ?
You guys have a massive superiority complex which prevents you from ever achieving anything, as you think you don't have to achieve anything because of that inherent superiority you think to have.
Again, you are stereotyping. In your opinion,
Majority of Indians
* don't care about getting an education
* raking in the certificates without any actual effort
* Try to get fraudulent H1b work permits.
* they try to get others to do their work for them, then claim the results as their own.
That's simply wrong. That's just like calling all Americans obese.
Replies/Posts like these will not only spoil your reputation, but also, make you look like a racist [maybe you are, as it is evident from your posts].
yeah, and about 90% of the Indian "software engineers" work as phone support techs.
Fail. Most of tech support guys aren't engineers. Hell, many of them aren't even graduates. They join tech support as they find that job easier than flipping hamburgers in McDonalds. :)
Edited by nav33n because: n/a
maydhyam commented: Well said!!! +0
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