I'm graduating from the University of the Cumberlands in May and I have put together a resume and would really like some input. Attached is a doc format and pdf format. I've also posted the text version within the forum.

Thanks in advance.

Travis Coleman
Travis Coleman
402 Leonard Petrey Road  Williamsburg, KY  (606) 620-0318  coleman0610@gmail.com
Upcoming University of the Cumberlands graduate offering a strong academic background and experience in IT combined with Business Administration.
Fast Learner, Good Listener, Self Starter, Self-Motivated.
University of the Cumberlands – Williamsburg, KY, Degree expected 5/10
B.S. in Business Management Information Systems
Concurrent Employment with College Studies:
Student Helpdesk Technician (2007 to 2008): Provide networking/desktop support and perform mainframe and account maintenance tasks.
Sports Information Media Designer (2006 to 2007): Create posters using athletes’ photos. Website Graphics. Collect Content and Develop Graphics for Informative Media Guides for each Sport. Occasional IT Support
Technology Summary
UNIX, Windows 9X/NT/2000/XP/2K3, Mac OS, Server 2000/2003/2008
Visual Basic, SQL, HTML, PHP, CSS, C++
MS Project, MS Visio, MS Office
Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, AutoCAD, InDesign
Cisco ASA, Routers, Switches, Hubs. Nortel.
Polycom, Cisco
IT Experience
TEKSwork, LLC – Williamsburg, KY
Web Developer/Project Manager/Technician, (2006 to Present) handled technical troubleshooting within medical, industrial and educational environments, including system crashes, slow-downs and data recoveries. Engaged and tracked Priority 1 issues, with responsibility for the timely documentation, escalation (if appropriate), resolution and closure of trouble tickets.

I did Web Site Development for lawyers, medical facilities and others. Duties included: responsible for meeting with the client, establishing their needs, keeping in contact on a regular basis with update on the site. Offered around the clock support with any issues or questions they may have had. I was given many inside projects work on including a Time Management System.

As a project manager I would be given a task to implement a new feature into our company and maintain it. I had overseen the implementation of over four inside projects and many client projects.
Non-IT Experience
Computer Science Corporation – Williamsburg, KY
General Clerk, (August 2008 to November2008) GS1, security clearance required. Data Entry. Not to discuss anything we had seen with co-workers or family members.
Available for Relocation & Travel IT Experience
References Available upon Request

Overall you need to cut out a lot of stuff. Only list your 3 most important jobs and give a brief description of what you did at those jobs and why it is relevant (what skills you learned). You were much too vague at certain points, for example, you mentioned web development projects, but didn't list any and didn't give any references. Of the "web site development jobs" that you did, list one or two of the most important ones, what the job was for, and what skill you learned there [example, php]. Cut out all the stuff about the description of a security clearance - companies that are interested already know what a security clearance is, and it just sounds weird to anyone else. And TBH, your job descriptions sound exactly like what I'd expect if I was applying for a job. Make it more specific to what you did/learned.

first off, get rid of "Fast Learner, Good Listener, Self Starter, Self-Motivated". that is all bullshit. every student in the world puts that crap up, and it means zilch other than to waste space.

the two jobs you had at school dont belong under education, they belong under jobs. if you want to put more in education, summarize a few brief points about 1 or 2 senior level classes (design!) where you accomplished something important and RELEVANT to the job you're applying for

cut out most of the verbiage in your main webdev job description. bring it down to a few bullteted or otherwise highlighted points about WHAT YOU DID, how you did it, and what benefit it provided. short and sweet. resume reviewers look at sometimes hundreds of resumes a day, and they're likely only to read 1/3 of your total content. go ahead and get rid of that 2/3 filler now.

and yeah, say "entered and maintained classified data according to established protocol" or some such.... none of that "if i tole ya i has ta kill ya" crap. :icon_rolleyes: that might impress your little sister, but not anyone in IT.


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