Goggle the phrase "cs enrollment" and you will see that it has fallen off a cliff.

That is the rock solid proof that there is very poor demand for programmers.

It can't be spun. It can't be hyped.

But there is no shortage of thsoe that will attempt to spin it some of whom you can find here


From the article - A recent study by UCLA's Higher Education Research Institute found a 60 percent decline between 2000 and 2004 in the number of college freshmen who planned to major in computer science.


If there were decent paying jobs to be had by acquiring a CS degree people would be enrolling in CS.

But they are not.

Spin all you want.

Deny all you want.

The facts don't lie.

My hypothesis for this is that the enrollment status is just realigning from the boom that took place during the dot com boom. All these people during that time never really had any interest in computer science it's just that they saw all these opportunities with stock options pop up and they thought, "cha ching." I'm sure that all the people who were passionate about the field now have decent paying jobs and all those, "profiteers" are still wondering what the heck happened and are most likely wanting to get the heck out of IT/CS.

>> I'm sure that all the people who were passionate about the field now have decent paying jobs


Man you went straight for the twilight zone.

I keep posting articles and keep getting lame replies like the previous that are sourced by nothing more than someones personal opinion backed up by nothing.


Debunking the Myth of a Desperate Software Labor Shortage


>> I'm sure that all the people who were passionate about the field now have decent paying jobs


Man you went straight for the twilight zone.

I keep posting articles and keep getting lame replies like the previous that are sourced by nothing more than someones personal opinion backed up by nothing.


Debunking the Myth of a Desperate Software Labor Shortage


Twiglight zone.... Well you can't always trust what the media tells you and sometimes you have to look at things in the real world from the way you see it. According to money magazine computer science people start off at 50k/year and software engineering is supposidly going to increase 43% over 10 years, that just tells you how much CNN knows what is going on! Besides, it isn't just programming that is getting raped by foreign competition, its every field. Manufacturing is going to China and Indian workers are doing the grunt (by grunt work I mean stuff like software engineering, accounting, tech support- you know stuff that Americans don't, "WANT" to do).

Yea the article tells you that CS enrollment is dropping but it doesn't tell you why. Besides, the way I look at it, the less people with a CS degree means the more valuable my CS degree is going to be. So I strongly encourage everyone to not study CS because theres no jobs left!

>> the article tells you that CS enrollment is dropping but it doesn't tell you why

You need to be told why ?

The reason why is cause ain't no decent jobs in the field anymore for grads.

Nothing gets around faster on the grapevine than where the pot of gold is located, except for maybe when the location changes.

It has changed big time and naturally that kind of story spreads like wildfire.

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