
iam an engineering graduate in computer science with a distiction from india karnataka,....now iam in US california ..i would like to proceed studying masters....but i do not know how to proceed...what exams do i need to take...how will be the college..lecturers..subjects...and will i be able to make it up..??....

i also do not know which subject to choose?,,,

kindly suggest me in this mattter...i came to US only 1 month back ..where my husband resides..

this web site reallly impressed me a lot...

plse help..


I am not in college as of yet, however, if you would like to find information on masters programs I would advise you to contact a prospective college and ask for information directly from them. Getting information directly from the institution will (1) be up to date and (2) be much more reliable than any internet source. I am not sure where you live so the quickest way to find the numbers/contact info would be googling (a word now) the college name or picking up the good ol' phone book and more likely than not colleges name will be bolded.
Hope I was of some help.

The institutions themselves will also have the information on Recognition of Prior Learning (Australian term for it, may be different in the US) which you want.

The institutions themselves will also have the information on Recognition of Prior Learning (Australian term for it, may be different in the US) which you want.

As far as I know it is Credit Transfer

If your clever enough to be doing a masters degree surely your clever enough to work it out:mad: Or not as the case may be.

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