Hello All, just wanted to wish everybody a Happy Holiday as I've not spoken to anybody other than Jim for a while. Hope you're all keeping well. All the best, Alan (the idiot formerly known as Diafol :))

rproffitt commented: Diafol in a Santa suit. +1 +0

Hah! I knew you wouldn't be able to keep away Alan. Have a good one, whatever you celebrate. Me, I'll be ignoring the whole sorry mess as much as I can :-)

What holiday you guys having ?

None. I don't do xmas in any sense. No decorations, no presents, no cards, no special food, no piling up of debt just to feed the capitalist xmas tsunami. Most important of all, absolutely no stress. Thankfully, my partner feels the same...

Hah. I was just about to send you greetings Alan. You beat me to it. Stress free (mostly) celebrations going on here this Christmas. My eldest is home from Long Island for an extended visit and waiting to hear about a research position in Cambridge. My yearly checkup tests all came back with improved numbers over last year and today just happens to be my 64th birthday. Later this morning we hope (weather permitting) to head out for some cross country skiing.

Many Happy Returns Jim! Going to msg you in the next day or two anyhows. My two back from uni. Nice to get the band back together! Was just popping in to say hi, not stopping. X

Happy holidays to you all. And especially to Alan, who started this.
Happy birthday Jim, hé, you're a year younger than me!

So the skiing wasn't great but the apres ski was fantastic. Started out trying to feed the squirrels but they wouldn't come close. Instead, a chickadee landed in my hand to take a peanut and two young deer took an interest.


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