I'm a small business owner looking to implement an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to streamline customer service and improve efficiency. I'm unsure about the best options available for small businesses.

What are some recommended IVR solutions that are affordable and user-friendly?

I'm particularly interested in features like:

Call routing: Automatically directing callers to the appropriate department or agent.
Self-service options: Allowing customers to find information or complete tasks without speaking to a representative.
Integration with existing systems: Seamlessly connecting with our CRM, email, and other business tools.
Scalability: The ability to grow the system as our business expands.

Any advice or experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated!

I was going to say the same thing, rproffitt. I guess he’s telling everyone that his own product isn’t good enough?

commented: Might be just the user friendly and affordable part. First takes work, second is to change pricing. +0
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